An interview of one of the families that received rice from Heartship Myanmar Japan.
Heartship Myanmar Japanから米の配布を受け取った家族のインタビューです。
My name is Mya Mya Htwe. I am 39 years old. I am so happy to receive rice. This is about 3 days of food for our family. My husband, Myo Min Htun cannot work anymore because of his bad health. We have 3 children, ages 20, 18 and 7 years old. None of my children have work right now.
Mya Mya Htwe、39歳です。お米をいただけて本当にうれしいです。家族の3日分の食料になります。
夫のMyo Min Htunは体が悪いので働くことができません。子どもは20歳、18歳、7歳の3人いますが、どの子も今は仕事がありません。
Too many people are jobless now and too many people work as Pa-Long-Kauh(collecting and selling plastic). That is what I do. The best day I can earn 3,000 to 4,000 kyats (about US$2), but after buying food and candles, nothing is left.
We also have to buy water because there is no running water. My husband is too weak to carry water.
If there are future donations, we would love to have rice, oil, or any other basic food.