Bochung Village is one of the 58 villages in Hualngoram, Chin State. At the beginning of 2024, we received a request to fund the construction of a new school building
Bochung Village is one of the 58 villages in Hualngoram, Chin State. At the beginning of 2024, we received a request to fund the construction of a new school building
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year. We are so grateful to be able to continue our journey in supporting children’s education and health in Myanmar. 明けましておめでとうございます。 皆さまの幸せと健康をお祈りいたします。 今年もミャンマーの子どもたちの教育・健康支援を続けられること、心から感謝します。
This is a slightly shortened version of a Reuters special report along with Japanese translation. ロイターの特別報告を一部抜粋、和訳しました。 By POPPY MCPHERSON, DEVJYOT GHOSHAL, STEVE STECKLOW and RUMA PAUL Filed Dec. 16, 2024,
The best way to ensure our funds are being used to support the children is to work closely with HPO, the Hualngoram People’s Organization Education Department. 日本から送る資金が子供たちの支援に確実に活用されるために、HMJは現地で活動するHPO教育部と連携しています。 Managing 48 schools
UNICEF is declaring the children in Myanmar as “a generation in peril.” We are sharing their report along with a Japanese translation. Unfortunately, international aid rarely reaches Hualngoram, a remote
In November, we took part in two events as Heartship Myanmar Japan, and had the opportunity to talk to many people about the current situation in Myanmar. We thank everyone
Since this spring, we have been working closely with the Urayasu Football Association to collect used soccer goods to be shipped to Myanmar. We would like to share their post
This is an article by BBC, telling the story about the many citizens of Myanmar being affected by the new conscription law in February. 2月に軍事政権が発表した徴兵令の影響を受けたミャンマー市民について伝えるBBCの記事を紹介します。 ‘My husband was forcibly conscripted.
On October 24, 2024, the Urayasu Chuo Lions Club invited us to speak about “What’s happening in Myanmar?” 2024年10月24日、浦安中央ライオンズクラブの定例会にて「ミャンマーは今、どうなっているの?」というタイトルで講演をさせていただきました。 Many people do not know that there is so much war
Thanks to all of you who have supported us, Heartship Myanmar Japan has reached its three-year anniversary since its launch in 2021. This is a message from Sawmi, the heart
The need to support children’s health June to October is Myanmar’s rainy season, with August and September experiencing the heaviest rain. During these two months, children’s health deteriorates, with an
2024年9月21日の放送内容を基にしたNHKスペシャルのまとめ記事を紹介します。 This is a translation of a summary based on a special investigative report by NHK, first aired on Sept 21, 2024. 軍によるクーデターから3年半、“忘れられた戦場”となったミャンマーの人道危機が深刻化。軍は自国内での空爆を強化し無差別に市民の命が奪われている。欧米各国がミャンマー軍に厳しい制裁を科す中、なぜ軍は市民への攻撃を続けられているのか。衛星画像や船舶の航跡データ、税関記録などの分析から、制裁を潜り抜けジェット燃料が流入している実態が見えてきた。さらに日本のODA資金の一部も軍関係の企業に流れていた。 Three and a half years after the
PhotoCredit© UNOCHA/Siegfried Modola Although it has been over three and a half years since the military coup occurred in Myanmar, the country is still at war. The UN human rights
There are no paved roads in the mountainous area of Hualngoram. During the rainy season, which lasts from June to October, the roads can be very difficult to travel. 山岳地帯に位置するHualngoramには舗装された道路がなく、6月から10月にかけての雨季には特に移動が困難になります。
Heartship Myanmar Japan has been funding education in Chin State, Myanmar, beginning with Satawm village in 2022 and Zimpui village in 2023. This July, at the beginning of the academic
This spring, thanks to help from the Urayasu Football Association we collected a total of 68kg of used soccer goods and shipped them to Myanmar. (Click HERE to read the
Today we are sharing a report by NHK WORLD JAPAN. It is heartbreaking that many children have been deprived of their right to education for over three years. Please join
Heartship Myanmar Japan is funding education in Chin state, Myanmar, where many schools remain closed after the military coup. In addition to the Teacher’s Training course in September 2023, a
During the past few years following the military coup, the area was unstable for quite some time. Whenever battles between the junta and the local CDF (Chin Defense Force) became
Rih Hospital (located in Rih village, Hualngoram) had been closed for a long time due to the military coup in February 2021. While the military is still in power, the
As reported on NHK World Japan, Myanmar’s democracy leaders recently visited Japan, to spread word on what is happening in Myanmar and to seek support. NHK World Japanで報道された通り、ミャンマー民主化のリーダーらが日本を訪れ、国の現状と支援を訴えました。 Senior officials
This morning, the top news on the BBC website was a video released by a reporting team in Myanmar, where fighting continues. They spent a month with the resistance forces
As part of our efforts to support education in Chin State, Myanmar, Heartship Myanmar Japan provided whiteboard markers to all of the villages in Hualngoram. (CLICK HERE for details)ミャンマー、チン州の教育支援の一環として、ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンではHualngoram地域のすべて村にホワイトボード・マーカーを届けました。(詳しくはこちらをクリック) We
今のミャンマーの現状についてまとめた、アジア経済ニュースの記事を英訳と共に紹介します。 This is an English translation of an NNA ASIA article laying out the current situation in Myanmar. 2024年4月9日 国連の人道問題調整事務所(OCHA)で資金調達・提携部門のディレクターを務めるリサ・ドーテン氏は4日、安全保障理事会でミャンマーの人道危機の状況を報告した。食糧や医療、教育などあらゆる面で状況が悪化しているにもかかわらず、今年必要な資金のうち、わずか4%しか集まっていないとして支援を訴えた。 April 9, 2024 Lisa Doughten, Director of Financing & Partnerships
As we have informed you in our previous post, HMJ has decided to support the HPO Education Office so that education in the area can run smoothly. Although our budget
After seeing how much joy it brought the children last time, we asked the local football association to help us collect used soccer goods to send to Myanmar. The Urayasu
This is a BBS article about Myanmar’s recent civil war situation. ミャンマーでの内戦の状況について、BBCの記事と和訳です。 By Jonathan Head & BBC Burmese,in Bangkok Getty Images 2021年2月のクーデター以降 軍事政権下にあるミャンマー The opposition in Myanmar has claimed a
With the military coup ongoing in Myanmar, many regions, including Chin State, have been deeply affected, disrupting the lives of countless families and children. Heartship Myanmar Japan is currently supporting
Heartship Myanmar Japan participated in the annual local festival WITH for the third time. ミャンマー支援グループとして まちづくりフェスタWITH に今年も出展させていただきました。 This year, in addition to an exhibition to inform people about the current
On February 21, 2024, we hosted our very first Myanmar Cooking Day. A group of eight members of the Urayasu Mita-kai participated as we began by briefly introducing what we
After seeing how much joy soccer gear from Japan brings to the children in Myanmar, we decided to work together with the local soccer association in order to continue collecting
Recently, Myanmar’s ruling junta announced that all men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 must serve in the military for up to two years. This is
Fighting between the junta and the groups seeking democracy has intensified since last October. Sometimes, schools become part of the target. Not all attacks are being reported in the media,
We are thrilled to announce the delivery of used soccer gear to children in Myanmar.本当に久しぶりに中古サッカーグッズをミャンマーの子どもたちに届けることができました! The last time we were able to deliver used soccer gear to the children of
This is a slightly edited version of an article by Amnesty International regarding recent events in Myanmar.ミャンマーで起きていることについて、一部を編集・要約したアムネスティ・インターナショナル(国際連合との協議資格をもつ国際的人権擁護組織)の記事をご紹介します。 Drawing on interviews with 10 civilians from Pauktaw township in Rakhine State and
Heartship Myanmar Japan has been actively involved in supporting communities in Hualngoram, Chin State, Myanmar since 2022, beginning with providing funds for education in Satawm village. In 2023 we purchased
We are grateful to be able to get together at the beginning of a new year. Together, we will continue to support the children and people in Myanmar! 新しい年をチームで迎えることができたことに感謝します。今年も共にミャンマーの子供たちの支援を続けます!
On Dec 20, 2023, a fundraising Chinland Building Concert was held at the Koto Cultural Center in Tokyo. Among the many Myanmar artists who performed on stage, three of them
Photograph: Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP/Getty Image So many people in Myanmar, are in need of help. This is an article from The Guardian. ミャンマーでは、あまりにも多くの人々が助けを必要としています。英The Guardianの記事を和訳と共にシェアします。 One-third of the population needs humanitarian aid
Our contacts in Yangon have been telling us that the energy crisis is becoming more and more serious. Not only are there power outages, but it is now extremely difficult
The fight in Myanmar has been increasing in tension since October. Let us share a translation of an article on Tokyo Shimbun WEB. 10月から緊迫感を増しているミャンマー国内での戦い。東京新聞WEBの記事を、英訳と共に紹介します。 2023年12月3日 <連載 ミャンマーの声> 2021年2月にクーデターを起こした国軍に対抗し、民主派が樹立した「挙国一致政府(NUG)」のジンマーアウン外相が11月、日本を訪れた。NUGの閣僚で初の来日となった。国会議員や外務省関係者と接触し、記者会見や集会で、最近の民主派側の攻勢を受けて国軍は支配域を減らしていると主張した。クーデター後、最大の転換期といわれる中、民主主義の回復に向け日本に何を求めたのか。(北川成史) <Myanmar Voices> In
As part of our efforts to support education in the Hualngoram area, Chin State, Myanmar, HMJ sent funds for a 1 year supply of whiteboard markers for the teachers working
This is an update about the school in Satawm village, Chin State, Myanmar which we have been supporting since July, 2022. 2022年7月から支援しているミャンマー・チン州サタウム村の学校についてお知らせします。 Following a battle between the junta and CDF
A BBC article about what’s happening in Myanmar. It is quite long and complicated, which is exactly how the situation is. ミャンマーで起きている戦闘について、BBCの記事を和訳と共にご紹介します。長く複雑な内容となりますが、それがまさに現状を表す言葉でもあります。 In a matter of days the military government
Kima (C.Thangkima Age32) is our contact in Myanmar who leads the efforts to continue education in the Hualngoram area, in Chin State, Myanmar. He is young and smart and cares
From NHK World – Japan NHKワールドの記事の紹介です。 Myanmar people in Japan rally for their homeland 在日ミャンマー人、祖国の窮状を訴える People from Myanmar now living in Japan held a rally demanding democracy in their home
As Heartship Myanmar Japan reaches this significant two-year milestone, we promise that our dedication to providing aid and bringing about positive change in Myanmar remains unchanged🙏 早いもので2周年という節目を迎えることができました。ミャンマーの子供たちを支え、前向きな変化をもたらすというハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンの想いに変わりはありません🙏 We launched Heartship
This September, HMJ funded a teacher’s training course in Hualngoland, a remote region in Chin State Myanmar. 今年9月、HMJはHPOミャンマー・チン州の奥地、Hualngolandで教師養成クラスを実施するために資金援助しました。 Among the 100 teachers who participated, many of them are volunteers without
Since the military coup in February 2021, many schools in Myanmar remain closed which is why HMJ has been supporting education by sending funds to run a school in Satawm
The second mobile clinic funded by HMJ was finally conducted on August 4 and 5, after being postponed due to the sudden death of a nurse and the injury of