Heartship Myanmar Japan Health医療 Mobile Clinic in Hualngoram 移動クリニックの実施

Mobile Clinic in Hualngoram 移動クリニックの実施

In February 2023, HMJ sent ¥100,000 to fund a mobile clinic operation.


The money was sent to India, where they purchased the medicine. Of the 61,170 Rupees sent from HMJ,  50,000 was used to buy medicine, and the rest was used to purchase petrol for motorbikes necessary for the mobile clinic operation. 


17 members of the HPO health group led by Dr. Lal Ram Zaua visited 3 villages; Vutbual village on 28 February 2023, Kawilam village on 1st March 2023, and Old Haimual village on 2nd March 2023.  

Lal Ram Zaua医師率いるHPO 保健グループの17名で、2月28日にVutbual村、3月1日にKawilam村、3月2日にOld Haimual村の3村を訪問しました。 

The most common diseases treated were the flu and the common cold, stomach problems, muscle pain, thyroid, hemorrhoids, and intestinal parasites. In addition, the doctor performed 3 minor operations.


HPO plans to continue its mobile clinic operation since all hospitals in this area have been closed since the military coup.


Chin State is the poorest state in Myanmar due to its secluded location in a mountainous region of Myanmar. Hualngoram or Hualngo Land, is an area in the western part of Chin State, at the borders of India. 
In June 2021, the Hualngoram Peoples Organization was established by volunteers to make up for the social infrastructure that collapsed after the military coup. Heartship Myanmar Japan is working closely with HPO and sending funds to support education and healthcare.

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