Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 War crimes by Myanmar’s military ‘more frequent and brazen’, UN probe finds ミャンマー国軍の戦争犯罪、「より頻繁で大胆に」国連調査

War crimes by Myanmar’s military ‘more frequent and brazen’, UN probe finds ミャンマー国軍の戦争犯罪、「より頻繁で大胆に」国連調査

An aerial view of Bin village of the Mingin Township in Sagaing region after villagers say it was set ablaze by the Myanmar military, in Myanmar February 3, 2022. Picture taken February 3, 2022. Picture taken with a drone. 
REUTERS/Stringer/File Photo

Reuters article shared in English and Japanese.

GENEVA, Aug 8 (Reuters) – War crimes committed by Myanmar’s military, including the bombing of civilians, have become “increasingly frequent and brazen”, a team of United Nations investigators said in a report published on Tuesday.

The report by the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), which covered the period between July 2022 and June 2023, said there was “strong evidence that the Myanmar military and its affiliate militias have committed three types of combat-related war crimes with increasing frequency and brazenness”.

[ジェネーブ 8日 ロイター] – 国連人権理事会による「ミャンマーに関する独立調査メカニズム」(IIMM)は、8日発表した報告書で、ミャンマー国軍による戦争犯罪がより頻繁かつ大胆になっていると指摘した。


These crimes include the indiscriminate or disproportionate targeting of civilians using bombs and the burning of civilian homes and buildings, resulting at times in the destruction of entire villages, it said.

The report also cited “killings of civilians or combatants detained during operations”.



“Our evidence points to a dramatic increase in war crimes and crimes against humanity in the country, with widespread and systematic attacks against civilians, and we are building case files that can be used by courts to hold individual perpetrators responsible,” said Nicholas Koumjian, head of the IIMM.


Since a junta seized power two years ago, Myanmar has been plunged into chaos, with a resistance movement fighting the military on multiple fronts after a bloody crackdown on opponents that saw Western countries re-impose sanctions.


A spokesperson for the junta could not be reached for comment on the findings made by U.N. investigators.

The junta has previously denied atrocities have taken place, saying it is carrying out a legitimate campaign against terrorists.



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