Education Program in Hualngo Land 教育プログラムの支援を開始します!

Heartship Myanmar Japan will start to support an education program. Please read below for details.

Chin State is the poorest state in Myanmar due to its secluded location in a mountainous region of Myanmar. The area is also known to have a strong rebellious ethnic army which is why it has been targeted by the military junta after the military coup. Hualngoram or Hualngo Land is an area in the western part of Chin State, Myanmar. The area runs along the Tio River which is the border between Mizoram State, India and Chin State.

山岳地帯に囲まれアクセスが困難なチン州は、ミャンマーで最も貧しい州と言われています。また、伝統的な民族の軍隊が強いことでも知られており、軍事クーデター後、国軍から激しい攻撃を受けている地域でもあります。Hualngoram または Hualngo Land は、チン州の西部に位置する地域のことで、インドのミゾラム州とチン州の境界であるティオ川沿いにあります。

The Hualngo Peoples Organization (HPO) was established on June 6, 2021 to fight against the junta and to act as an interim government for Hualngo Land. It has four divisions: CDF(Chinland Defense Force) Hualngoram, Administration, Education and Public Health. HPO solely depends on donations from supporter groups in different countries such as the US, Canada, Australia and Japan.

Education in Chin state has been on hold since the beginning of COVID

Not only are the children not getting any education, but young teenagers have nothing to do with their lives. We need to change this current situation and HPO is the only organization taking care of the people, especially the children,  living in Hualngo Land.

2021年6月6日、軍事政権に対抗し、Hualngo Land の暫定政府として活動するため Hualngo Peoples Organization(HPO)が設立されました。組織はCDF(チン人民防衛軍) Hualngoram、行政、教育、公衆衛生の4つに分かれており、アメリカ、カナダ、オーストラリア、日本など各国のHualngoram支援グループからの寄付金のみを頼りに活動しています。 


2年以上教育を受けることができていないため、何もすることがない10代の少年少女が増えています。この現状は変えていかなければなりません。HPOは、そんなHualngo Landに住む人々、特に子供たちの支援を行っている唯一の団体です。

Heartship Myanmar Japan’s founder Sawmi has been in contact with the education division of HPO, and we have been asked to support their program to restart education in the area.


HPO からの支援依頼文書
{English translation }
To: Mrs. Lal Sawm Lian
Heartship Myanmar Japan
Date: July 7, 2022
Subject: Requesting to donate for free education
The Hualngo Peoples Organization (HPO) is trying to launch free education under the guidance of the National Unity Government (NUG) and Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC).  
We, the education department of HPO, would like to request for donations in order to implement these education programs.
In the Hualngo area, HPO plans to open schools in 24 villages for about 1200 students to study from July 2022 to December 2022 and to hire 77 teachers.  
With respect
On behalf of Education Board
HPO quarters
{ 要望文書 和訳}
To: ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパン
日付 :2022年7月7日


教育支援を予定しているHualngo Landの村および生徒数一覧

Upon their request, Heartship Myanmar Japan has decided to support HPO’s education program, beginning with Satawm village(No.16 in above chart). (Sawmi’s father and grandfather are from Satawm.)



Please look forward to updates and photos from Satawm village once the program begins. Can’t wait to see the children’s smiles!


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