During the past few years following the military coup, the area was unstable for quite some time. Whenever battles between the junta and the local CDF (Chin Defense Force) became
During the past few years following the military coup, the area was unstable for quite some time. Whenever battles between the junta and the local CDF (Chin Defense Force) became
HMJ has been sending funds to support education in Chin State, Myanmar since August 2022. This is a short interview of one of the teachers. 2022年8月から、ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンでは ミャンマー、チン州にある学校の運営資金を送金しています。 現地で教師を務める男性のインタビューが届きました。 We ask
Today we are sharing an interview with the man who takes care of the water tank facility we built last summer. 去年の夏に寄付金で整えた貯水設備の管理をしてくれているMyint Ayeさんのインタビューをお届けします。 “Hello! My name is Myint Aye, and
We just received some photos of the new printer in use. 新しいプリンターで教材の印刷する様子が写真で届きました。 The laminating machine was personally purchased by Thang Kima, the head of education of HPO. ラミネート加工の機材は、HPOの教育グループを率いているThang Kimaさんが個人的に購入したものだそうです。 The
Meet John, who is the owner of “7 Star”, a construction materials shop. In the Dalah Water Project, John helped us a lot by providing us with a lot of
Here is an interview with one of the parents in Satawm village, where Heartship Myanmar Japan has helped to restart education. ハートシップからの寄付で この夏から学校が再開したチン州サタウム村から、保護者のインタビューが届きました。 “The school has been closed for years,
Interview from Satawm village where we recently started to support education.教育支援を開始したサタウム村からのインタビューが届きました。
Here is an interview of Lal Biak Muana, 8 years old, one of the students in Satawm village where Heartship Myanmar Japan is supporting education.ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンで教育支援を実施しているSatwm村のLal Biak Muanaくん(8歳)のインタビューが届きました。 ”I thank all
Interview from our last rice donation.前回の米配布時のインタビューをお届けします。 “I don’t have work and we totally depend on other people. My husband used to have work but now he is out of work
Let us introduce the fourth family of the Dalah House Project. This is Thet Thet Naing (age24), her husband Min Min (age25) and their two children (age 7 and 2).
Meet Thein-gi (age 31) . Together with her husband Ngwe Min (age 37) they have 2 children, a 10 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. Heartship Myanmar
We bring you an interview from family #2 of the Dalah House Project. Because Mo Mo Cho (age 26) and her family were able to reuse the zinc sheet walls
Here is the first interview from one of the families who moved into a new home with the Dalah House Project.ダラ・ハウス・プロジェクトで新しい家に入居した家族から、1本目のインタビューをお届けします。 “Since our house was destroyed by the junta, we
Introducing the 4th family of the Dalah House Project. Thet Thet Naing and family were forced to move after the junta destroyed their house, and now live temporarily on other people’s
Introducing the 3rd family of the Dalah House Project My name is Thein-Gyi. I am 31 years old. I have 2 children, a boy and a girl. My husband is
Dalah House Project “My name is Mon Mon Chaw and I am 26 years old. I have one child, and my husband sells ice-cream. We used to live next to
Dalah House Project report After the junta destroyed their house this February, Nyo Nyo Htwe and her 3 sons have been living in a makeshift shelter. Her youngest is 6
An interview of one of the families that received rice from Heartship Myanmar Japan.Heartship Myanmar Japanから米の配布を受け取った家族のインタビューです。 My name is Mya Mya Htwe. I am 39 years old. I am so
This is an interview series from the people we were able to help. 現地の人々のインタビュー・シリーズ ”My name is Thi Thi Aye and I am 37 years old. My husband sells ice-pops. I am
Another interview from the people who are struggling in Myanmar today. The talk took place after our latest rice donation. ミャンマーで今、必死に生活している人々に話を聞きました。米の配布を実施した日のインタビューです。 “We are so grateful, happy about the rice donation.
米の配布をスムーズに行うため協力してくれたキリスト教牧師のSaya Htet Paingのインタビューが届きました。Here is an interview with Pastor Saya Htet Paing, who has helped us in distributing the rice smoothly. Living in a squatter’s neighborhood with the people Hello everyone,
An interview from the people we were able to help last November. We are planning our next donation very soon. 11月の食糧配布時のインタビュー。近日中に次の配布ができるよう、現在計画中です! “People who are living here are facing great trouble
Another short interview from the people who need our help in Myanmar. 助けを必要としているミャンマーの家族のインタビューです。 “My name is Moe San and I am 45 years old. There are 3 in our family.
Meet the people we are helping through your donations. 支援しているミャンマーの人々を紹介するショート・インタビューをお届けします。 My name is Mi Tu, this is my husband and we have 6 children. Behind us is our house. Our
Here is an interview from our last donation. 先日、米の配布を実施した地域からインタビューです。 My name is Aye Aye Thwe and I am 36 years old. I have 3 children. They are 10, 4 and
Interview part 3 from Dalah, where HMJ organized a rice donation.HMJが米の配給を実施したダラの町からインタビューpart 3をお届けします。 My name is Than Than Myint and I am 37 years old. My husband used to be a
Part 2 of our short interview series from Dalah.ダラから届いたショート・インタビューPart 2 My name is Hnin Nge and I am 15 years old. I am an 8th grade student. Both of my
Here is part 1 of a series of short interviews from Dalah, Myanmar. ミャンマー、ダラから届いたミニ・インタビューのシリーズ1回目をお届けします。 My name is Thant Zin Aung. I’m 14 years old and I’m in 4th grade. I
Meet the children from Satawm Village who fled from their village after an attack by the junta. They are now living in the forest. 銃撃があったサタウム村から避難して森の中で生活している子供たち(3歳〜7歳)の写真が届きました。 1st picture: Her Mawii (3)