This is an update about the school in Satawm village, Chin State, Myanmar which we have been supporting since July, 2022. 2022年7月から支援しているミャンマー・チン州サタウム村の学校についてお知らせします。 Following a battle between the junta and CDF
This is an update about the school in Satawm village, Chin State, Myanmar which we have been supporting since July, 2022. 2022年7月から支援しているミャンマー・チン州サタウム村の学校についてお知らせします。 Following a battle between the junta and CDF
A BBC article about what’s happening in Myanmar. It is quite long and complicated, which is exactly how the situation is. ミャンマーで起きている戦闘について、BBCの記事を和訳と共にご紹介します。長く複雑な内容となりますが、それがまさに現状を表す言葉でもあります。 In a matter of days the military government
Kima (C.Thangkima Age32) is our contact in Myanmar who leads the efforts to continue education in the Hualngoram area, in Chin State, Myanmar. He is young and smart and cares