Kima (C.Thangkima Age32) is our contact in Myanmar who leads the efforts to continue education in the Hualngoram area, in Chin State, Myanmar. He is young and smart and cares for the children and their future. He also led the Teacher’s training course conducted in September. Here is what he told us.
キマさん(C.Thangkima 32歳)は、チン州にあるHualngoram地域で教育を継続するための活動を率いている人物。現地にいる彼と連絡を取りながら支援を実施しています。若くて優秀、子どもたちと彼らの将来を案じているキマさんは、9月に行われた教師養成クラスの先生も務めました。そんな彼に話を聞きました。

Q: How has your life changed since the coup?
I used to work as a teacher, but now I have joined the CDM (civil disobedience movement). This means I can no longer live in the village nor teach. So, now I am trying to build the education system in our land.
Q: クーデター以降、生活はどう変わりましたか?
以前は教師として働いていましたが、今はCDM(市民的不服従運動)に参加しています。つまり、村には住めないし、教えることもできない。 そこで今は、地域の教育システムを構築しようとしています。
Q: Why do you want to build the education system?
Whenever there is conflict in our country, our land is always affected worse, especially in education. In the past, we had scholars and extraordinary people but that is rare now. I am doing my best so Hualngoram can reach the level of other regions in education.
Q: なぜ教育システムを構築したいのですか?
Q: How are the children doing?
They are going through a lot of hardship, but our hard work has started to pay off, and many children are able to study again. Being able to go back to school has become a very good outlet for students who are suffering from mental stress caused by the coup. Many parents are also very happy.
Q: 子供たちの様子は?
Q: How is their progress?
We have made progress in literacy. Not only have many learned to read and write, but their daily lives have also improved.
Q: 教育の進歩はどうですか?
Q: What is your wish?
The country’s conflict is not over yet. The public government cannot take care of us yet, so we need financial assistance to continue education.
At least 80 teachers are needed in Hualngoram, but it is tough to pay all of them. I wish there were a way for the government and NGOs from other countries to recognize us and help us during the revolution period.
Q: Kimaさんの願いは何ですか?