Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 1,000 days since the coup クーデターから1,000日

1,000 days since the coup クーデターから1,000日

From NHK World – Japan

Myanmar people in Japan rally for their homeland


People from Myanmar now living in Japan held a rally demanding democracy in their home country.

Sunday marks 1,000 days since the military coup there.

The demonstrators want to keep global attention on Myanmar’s plight…even as the world’s focus turns to conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.




About 200 people from Myanmar and their supporters gathered in central Tokyo to protest military rule.

They walked through the capital chanting, “Free Myanmar, free our leaders.”

The country has been in chaos since the military seized power in February 2021. It toppled the democratically elected government and ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi.


The country has been in chaos since the military seized power in February 2021. It toppled the democratically elected government and ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi.


Pro-democracy forces have been fighting against the junta, which has brutally cracked down on all dissent.

A local human rights group says more than 4,000 civilians — including children — have been killed since the coup.

A UN humanitarian agency estimates nearly two million people have been internally displaced. Many need life-saving assistance.




A participant said, every time she is about to lose hope, she remembers the faces of her friends detained by the military.

“The world seems to have forgotten Myanmar as time passed. But please support us until our pro-democracy movement wins.”



A Japanese participant said a video about displaced children in Myanmar moved him. He says they live without access to education, or even enough food and water.

“I can’t accept that they live in total despair without hope, when we live on the same earth in such different conditions.”



Myanmar people at the rally said they want the world to see they have not given up


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