Heartship Myanmar Japan Other その他 Two Years of Dedication 2周年を迎えて

Two Years of Dedication 2周年を迎えて

As Heartship Myanmar Japan reaches this significant two-year milestone, we promise that our dedication to providing aid and bringing about positive change in Myanmar remains unchanged🙏


We launched Heartship Myanmar Japan in October 2021, amidst the turmoil of the military coup in Myanmar. Our founder, Sawmi, who is a Myanmar native living in Japan, initiated this nonprofit group together with Jacob and Tina in response to the heartbreaking events unfolding in her homeland. 


Since sending physical goods from Japan to Myanmar was impossible during the COVID-19 pandemic, we began collecting donations via our website. Collaborating closely with Sawmi’s network in Myanmar, we devised plans to provide essential assistance to children and individuals in need.


Thanks to the support of our generous donors, we’ve achieved a remarkable milestone over the past two years, contributing a total of over 1.85 million JPY (12,000 USD) toward improving lives in Myanmar.

Click here for our 1st annual report.

Click here for our 2nd annual report.


Our projects encompass a variety of initiatives, including the distribution of rice, construction of housing, installation of water tanks, funding educational opportunities, and the operation of mobile clinics.


Nevertheless, the struggle in Myanmar persists as the junta continues to inflict suffering on its own people. Although we do not see much about it in the media, the need for support remains as critical as ever.


In celebration of our second anniversary, we’re proud to introduce a black version of our original tote bag. As a token of our appreciation, this exclusive tote bag will be sent to all donors who contribute ¥2,500 or more via our website.


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