Dalah is a poor district in Yangon where we have been donating rice. As we have posted earlier, this February, the junta destroyed many houses
Dalah is a poor district in Yangon where we have been donating rice. As we have posted earlier, this February, the junta destroyed many houses
ミャンマーでますます増えている空爆や放火の様子を映した動画に、日本語字幕をつけたのでぜひご覧ください。 We have added Japanese subtitles to an RFA video showing airstrikes and arson in Myanmar which are happening more and more frequently.
Left: Ukrainian soldiers and firefighters search in a destroyed building after a bombing attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, March 14, 2022. PhotoCredit@AP 写真左:2022年3月14日(月)、ウクライナのキエフで爆破攻撃を受け、破壊された建物内を捜索するウクライナ兵と消防士。 Right:
This is an interview series from the people we were able to help. 現地の人々のインタビュー・シリーズ ”My name is Thi Thi Aye and I am 37 years
Since the coup, the Myanmar military has been threatening the people’s lives in many ways. One of their methods has been setting civilian houses on
Yangon, the biggest and most commercial city in Myanmar, has never experienced major power outages in the past. However, since last year’s military coup the
These pictures are from Dalah in Yangon, where Heartship Myanmar Japan has been donating rice. A few weeks ago, the junta tore down many of
On Sunday, March 6, Heartship Myanmar Japan participated in fundraising for the Hualngoram Peoples Organization (HPO) support group in Japan at Futago-Tamagawa Station. 3月6日、ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンは、二子玉川駅にてHPO(Hualngoram Peoples
Since the junta carried out a coup d’état on February 1, 2022, many of Myanmar’s celebrities have been arrested and detained for supporting the protest