Dalah is a poor district in Yangon where we have been donating rice. As we have posted earlier, this February, the junta destroyed many houses in this area. Some families have already rebuilt their houses or moved out of the area, but some cannot afford to do that.
Dalah House Project
We have come up with the Dalah House Project to build a new house for 4 families. Thanks to the hard work of our partners in Yangon who visited the area many times and negotiated with the contractors, we should be able to build 4 houses with a zinc sheet roof, wooden floors, and a toilet with a budget of ¥180,000 ($1500 USD). Please look forward to updates of this project.
そこで、Dalah House Project=ダラ住宅プロジェクトと題して、困っている4世帯のために新しく家を建てる計画を立てています。現地のパートナーNPOメンバーが何度もダラに足を運び、工務店と交渉した結果、予算¥180,000で4軒の家(亜鉛屋根シート、木製の床、トイレ付き)を建てることができそうです。どうかプロジェクトの経過を見守っていただければ幸いです!
Meet the 4 Families こちらの4家族のために家を建てる計画です
We also want to continue to donate rice in this area, since there are still many families to cover. Your donations are greatly appreciated.