Interview part 3 from Dalah, where HMJ organized a rice donation.
HMJが米の配給を実施したダラの町からインタビューpart 3をお届けします。
My name is Than Than Myint and I am 37 years old. My husband used to be a farmer but now he will do anything. I used to be a cleaner but for the last 4 months, both my husband and I have found no work. I am so grateful to receive the rice during such difficult times.
I am also very happy that I was able to help in the donation process as a volunteer. I packed the rice into small plastic bags and helped with the distribution.
HMJ comment: Thanks to volunteers like her, we were able to distribute the rice smoothly in a short time.
Than Than Myint, 37歳です。夫は農業をしてましたが、今はなんでもやります。私は掃除の仕事をしてましたが、この4ヶ月は夫婦で仕事がありません。大変な時にお米をもらえてとても感謝しています。