Heartship Myanmar Japan The Peopleインタビュー “I’m so happy to be able to go back to school.” 「また学校に行けるようになって、うれしいです」

“I’m so happy to be able to go back to school.” 「また学校に行けるようになって、うれしいです」

Here is an interview of Lal Biak Muana, 8 years old, one of the students in Satawm village where Heartship Myanmar Japan is supporting education.
ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンで教育支援を実施しているSatwm村のLal Biak Muanaくん(8歳)のインタビューが届きました。

”I thank all the donors in Japan for donating books, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners and other stationery. 

I am so happy to be able to go back to school.

The things that make me happiest are studying at school with friends, drawing together and playing with them.  

I am worried that we might have to flee again and not be able to continue studying. ”





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