Heartship Myanmar Japan Reports 活動報告 Satawm Village Education Update サタウム村教育再開のご報告

Satawm Village Education Update サタウム村教育再開のご報告

As we have announced earlier, Heartship Myanmar Japan has decided to help reopen schools in Satawm village, Chin state through the Hualngo People’s Organization.

We sent approximately 130,000 JPY to buy textbooks and stationery and to hire teachers for 6 months. The textbooks and stationery arrived safely and were distributed to the children.

以前お知らせしたように、ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンは、HPO(Hualungoram People’s Organization)を通じてチン州サタウム村の教育支援を実施することとなりました。教科書や文房具の購入と、6ヶ月間の教師雇用として約13万円を送金したところ、子どもたちの元に教科書などが無事に届けられました!

HPO has conducted one-day training sessions for teachers in several villages including Satawm, and so the Satawm children are back in school. We hope to continue to share updates of the children.


If you have any questions you would like to ask the children or people in Satawm, please write in the comment section below or send us a message😀

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