Donations collected in Japan were used to conduct our 4th Rice donation in Dalah finally took place on Sunday, July 10. It has been a while since our last rice donation, since we decided to take on a housing project first and since our scheduled rice donation for June had to be postponed due to a shooting in Dalah.
Once again, pastor Saya Htet Paing helped us run the donation process smoothly. The church handmade exchange tickets and passed them out beforehand to the families that would receive rice.
今回もSaya Htet Paing牧師にご協力いただき、スムーズに配布を行うことができました。教会が引換券を手作りし、事前にお米を受け取る世帯に配ってもらいました。
In the morning of July 10, 52 bags of rice (approximately 2.6 tons) were purchased and transported to the pastor’s house to be repacked into smaller plastic bags. Since the floor was damp from the rain, we also had to purchase extra plastic sheets to protect the rice from getting wet.
During the rainy season from June to September, most of the places in the Yangon area are flooded. The conditions in Dalah are especially bad. Roads are covered with mud and are very slippery which slows down the transportation process.
Since we could not complete the process in one day, the pastor conducted the remaining donation on the next day together with his people. In total, about 550 families received rice🙏
1日で米配布を完了することができなかったため、翌日にSaya Htet Paing牧師が仲間とともに実施してくれました。2日かけて、およそ550世帯に米が配布されました🙏