Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 Myanmar charges Japanese journalist with encouraging dissent 日本人ジャーナリスト、扇動罪で起訴

Myanmar charges Japanese journalist with encouraging dissent 日本人ジャーナリスト、扇動罪で起訴

*写真は2020年10月_ KYODO

A Japan Times article. He is said to have been moved to a prison recently.
軍が実権を握るミャンマーで逮捕、拘束されているドキュメンタリー映像作家の久保田徹さんについて、the Japan Timesの記事です。現在、警察署から刑務所に移送されたと伝えられています。

A Japanese journalist detained in Myanmar has been charged with breaching immigration law and encouraging dissent against the military, the junta said Thursday.


Toru Kubota, who was held while covering a protest in Yangon last week, “has been charged under section 505 (a) and under immigration law 13-1,” the junta said in a statement.


505a — a law that criminalizes encouraging dissent against the military and carries a maximum three-year jail term — has been widely used by the military in its crackdown on dissent.


Breaching immigration law 13-1 carries a maximum of two years’ imprisonment.


Filmmaker Kubota, 26, was detained last Saturday near an anti-government rally in Yangon along with two Myanmar citizens.


He is the fifth foreign journalist detained in Myanmar after U.S. citizens Nathan Maung and Danny Fenster and freelancers Robert Bociaga of Poland and Yuki Kitazumi of Japan, who were all eventually freed and deported.


Myanmar’s junta has clamped down on press freedoms, arresting reporters and photographers, as well as revoking broadcasting licenses. As of March this year, 48 journalists remain in custody across the country, according to monitoring group Reporting ASEAN.

ミャンマー国軍は報道の自由を厳しく制限し、記者やカメラマンを逮捕し、放送免許を剥奪してきた。監視団体Reporting ASEANによると、今年3月現在、48人のジャーナリストが拘束されたままになっている。

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