Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 Rice donation postponed due to unrest in Yangon ヤンゴンで事件勃発により米配布が延期

Rice donation postponed due to unrest in Yangon ヤンゴンで事件勃発により米配布が延期

写真:銃撃事件後、運行中止となっているダラ地区へのフェリー PhotoCredit@RFA

Our plan for the next rice donation on June 12 had to be postponed because there was a shooting in Dalah, an area in Yangon where many people live in poverty and where we have been conducting donations.


Nearly 17 months has passed since the military coup in February 2021, where the leaders including Aung San Suu Kyi and the president were arrested and detained. Since then, many civilians have been arrested, some tortured and others killed. After many peaceful protests were met by brutal crackdown by the military, some citizens are rising up and fighting back such as the PDF, the People’s Defense Force.


Recently in Yangon, there have been several shootings and bombings, mostly carried out by the PDF. They have been attacking the armed representatives of the military junta such as police stations. They also attack Dalans, who are informants to the military. That is what happened in Dalah on June 10. One of the ward administrators in Dalah who was a Dalan was shot dead while he was riding a motorcycle.   

この流れで、ヤンゴン市内でもPDFによる銃撃や爆弾事件が起きています。警察署など軍事政権の武装組織への攻撃のほか、ダラン (Dalan)と呼ばれる軍への情報提供者が標的となっており、6月10日にダラ地区で起きた銃撃はダランとされる行政官のひとりが、バイクに乗っていたところを射殺されるというものでした。

Luckily, our partners in Yangon have not been hurt, but life in Myanmar is currently unsafe for everyone and people living in the poor districts of Dalah need help more than ever. We hope to conduct the next rice donation as soon as possible, when the roads to Dalah are safe.


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