Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 ミャンマー支援資金不足、目標の4%=国連 Myanmar Aid Funding Shortfall 4% of Target = UN

ミャンマー支援資金不足、目標の4%=国連 Myanmar Aid Funding Shortfall 4% of Target = UN

This is an English translation of an NNA ASIA article laying out the current situation in Myanmar.



April 9, 2024

Lisa Doughten, Director of Financing & Partnerships Division for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), reported on the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar to the Security Council on April 4. She appealed for assistance, saying that only 4% of the funds needed this year have been raised, despite the worsening situation in all areas, including food, healthcare, and education.

人道支援の対象者 クーデター後19倍に増加

Number of people needing humanitarian aid has increased 19-fold since the coup


Doughten, reporting on behalf of Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, said that OCHA estimates that 18.6 million people in Myanmar will need humanitarian assistance this year. The number of people has increased 19-fold since February 2021, when the coup took place. Despite the growing need for assistance, only 44% of the funding goal was raised last year, and 1.1 million people did not receive the assistance they needed.


Myanmar currently has 2.8 million people displaced


Ninety percent of them were displaced after the coup, and many are in urgent need of food, shelter, and security.


Doughten pointed out growing food shortages throughout Myanmar, with 12.9 million people, or a quarter of the population, currently facing food insecurity. She said that children and pregnant women in particular are at increased risk of malnutrition.


The health system is in disarray in terms of medical care. An estimated 12 million people need medical assistance, and medicines are depleted. Emergency assistance is needed for patients with pre-existing medical conditions, and routine vaccinations have been suspended for several years.


one-third of school-aged children in Myanmar are out of school




In addition, about one-third of school-aged children in Myanmar are out of school.

Regionally, in western Rakhine State, the report said that the armed conflict since last November has seriously deteriorated people’s lives, especially the Rohingya, a Muslim minority group, who have been caught between the fighting parties. Roads and waterways in the province have closed for months, and prices for food and necessities have risen. Internet communications have also been cut off, affecting the activities of humanitarian organizations.

Daughten said that she will continue to engage all parties involved to deliver humanitarian aid and encourage them not to use aid delivery as a political tool.

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