Heartship Myanmar Japan Other その他,Reports 活動報告 Dalah Water Project begins 貯水槽プロジェクト スタート!

Dalah Water Project begins 貯水槽プロジェクト スタート!

Thanks to our donors, Heartship Myanmar Japan has been able to begin a new project to clean an abandoned cistern in the area so that more people can easily have access to clean water.

【Current Situation 現状】

There is no running water in Dalah and people must walk up to 40 minutes to a reservoir. It makes life very hard, especially for those who are not strong enough to carry heavy water tanks. (Some people earn money by carrying water. About 500-700 kyats or 30 to 40 JPY per trip depending on the amount of water.) 


【The Plan 計画】

■The old cistern will be cleaned. Gutters and pipes will be constructed to collect rainwater from the roof of a shed in the church compound into the cistern.



■This cistern will hold 6,650 gallons (about 25,000 liters) of water.


■A hand water pump will be installed.



■We will also build a security house around the cistern, so water usage can be regulated. The head of local administration has agreed to take charge of facility maintenance.



■In the future, we would also like to consider installing water tanks in the security house.


【Estimate 費用】


All of your donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to support projects like this.

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