Heartship Myanmar Japan Education教育,Reports 活動報告 One-year funding for Zimpui School 教育支援がZimpui村でスタート

One-year funding for Zimpui School 教育支援がZimpui村でスタート

Heartship Myanmar Japan has been actively involved in supporting communities in Hualngoram, Chin State, Myanmar since 2022, beginning with providing funds for education in Satawm village. In 2023 we purchased a new printer to print teaching material for the whole area and funded a teacher’s training course. We have now expanded our support to Zimpui village.

Click here to donate ご支援はこちらから

Challenges in Zimpui

Like many villages in the region, most of the people are local farmers. Their remote location in the mountains hinders them from selling produce to other areas, contributing to their low income.

Solar lights are available just enough to provide illumination at night and to charge phones.

Water scarcity is also a significant concern. Despite initial plans for government assistance in water supply, the 2021 military coup has disrupted plans.

To buy and obtain necessities, the villagers must travel approximately 50 km to the nearest store in Tiau.

Like many schools in this area, there has been no government support since the military coup and education relies solely on volunteers.

Zimpui 村について






HMJ support plan 支援内容

Upon request from HPO (Hualngoram People’s Organization) Heartship Myanmar Japan has sent funds for education Zimpui village. The funds are used to purchase textbooks and stationery and to provide salaries for teachers.

HPO (Hualngoram People’s Organization)からの要望を受けHMJから送金。Zimpuiの学校用に教科書や文房具の購入、1年分の教師の給与として利用されます。

Backstory 背景

Initially, the plan was to support a different village in Hualngoram called Vutbualk. However, recently the fight between the junta and CDF has become intense, and since this village is located near an armed group called ZRA which sides with the junta, HPO could not find any volunteers to teach in this village. 


Although we are happy to be able to help Zimpui instead, our heart aches for the children in Vutbualk and other villages where going to school is still a luxury.

We hope that Heartship Myanmar Japan’s ongoing support is making a tangible difference in the lives of the people in Hualngoram.



*Their school uniform was a one-time donation from a different NGO

Click here to donate ご支援はこちらから

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