New printer for the children プリンター導入

In developed countries such as Japan, it is common practice to issue as many textbooks as there are children, but in Myanmar, textbook circulation is low, so textbooks are printed from PDF data.


The school in the village of Sataum, Chin State, which had been suspended due to the airstrike, resumed its educational support this month, as the students have finally returned from their evacuation and are now able to resume their studies.


In addition to the aid sent last summer, which was used to pay teachers’ salaries, textbooks, and stationery, there was a request from the local volunteers for the purchase of a printer.


Learning about this, we decided to send funds to purchase a printer that can print A3 size.


Here is a photo of when they purchased the printer at a store in India! (Chin State is located on the border with India, so we are sending money to India.)


They were able to purchase paper needed for printing as well.

We hope the printer can be put to good use for the children!


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