Air raid in Satawm (Chin state, Myanmar) – Education on hold サタウム(ミャンマー,チン州)付近で空爆のため教育支援中断

We have some unfortunate news.

There has been heavy airstrike near Satawm in Chin State, Myanmar, where we reopened the school this summer.



There is a military junta camp in Tuibual village, located about 2 miles from Satawm. After the local Chin National Defense Force attacked this military camp on Nov. 15, the junta retaliated by raiding the whole area.

サタウム村から3kmほど離れたTuibual村には、昔から国軍の基地があります。11月15日に地元のChin National Defense Forceがこの基地を攻撃したのを機に、この地域全体が国軍の攻撃を受けているとのことです。

The attack continued for five days until Nov. 19, sometimes with two jets and five helicopters at once. About 30 soldiers landed in the nearby village of Bualte where at least one villager was shot dead and one abducted (presumed dead). Several local houses have been said to be burned down in Tuibal.



Residents of nearby villages, including Satawm village, have gone into hiding. Villages visible from the sky may be bombed, so they have left their homes and are living in agricultural huts scattered in the fields.

The temperature at this time of the year drops to about 10 degrees celsius at night.



In this situation, the school had to be closed.

We are hoping that the school can begin in January, but even now many villagers are hesitant to return to their homes because sounds of explosions and gunshots can still be heard occasionally.



For this reason, we have temporarily suspended transferring the next round of funding for education until it is safe to reopen the schools again.


We will continue to share information as we receive it.



#whatshappeninginmyanmar #helpMyanmar #saveMyanmar   #ミャンマー支援 #国際協力 #教育支援 #righttoeducation

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