Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now Update from Myanmar ミャンマーからの最新状況

Update from Myanmar ミャンマーからの最新状況

As we begin a new year, it is almost two years since the military coup in Myanmar. The lives of so many people have been turned upside down. Many people have lost their lives or someone they know.


In our last post, we reported about the air raids near Satawm village in Chin state where we reopened the school in August. According to a recent update, sounds of gunfire or bombs can still be heard, but have been decreasing in frequency. The villagers plan to hold a public meeting this Sunday to decide whether or not to reopen the school.


On the other hand, the conditions in Yangon and the Dalah township are getting worse day by day. There are less jobs and prices of commodities continue to rise. Explosions, such as the incident on a Yangon ferry, are occurring frequently. This is the same ferry that our staff uses to get to Dalah.


Because of all the difficulties we and our partners on the ground in Myanmar are continuing to do what we can. Your help is as important now as it has ever been🙏


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