Heartship Myanmar Japan Reports 活動報告 Dalah House Project Update ダラ・ハウス・プロジェクトについて

Dalah House Project Update ダラ・ハウス・プロジェクトについて

The Dalah House Project is a plan to build a new house for 4 families whose houses were destroyed by the junta this past February.


We are happy to announce that the 4 houses are now complete and the families (family #1, family #2, family #3, family #4)  have moved in safely.

As soon as we receive more details and photos, we will share them on our website.

このたび4棟が完成し、4家族(family #1, family #2, family #3, family #4)が無事入居しました!


In the meantime, please understand that life in Myanmar is hard for everybody. It is now the hottest season, with an average daily temperature above 35 °C. (95 °F )  Even in the city of Yangon, electricity is provided only for about 3 hours per day, with the people never knowing when it will stop or begin.


Although our partners in Yangon are lucky to have the help of power generators, it is only minimum plus the strict bank rules make it very hard to run a business. They are swamped with work, and have little time to visit the Dalah township area.


So, please be patient until we are ready for the next report.


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