Heartship Myanmar Japan Reports 活動報告 Futsal tournament in Japan フットサル大会で資金集め

Futsal tournament in Japan フットサル大会で資金集め

Soccer is the most popular sport in Myanmar, and there are many amateur soccer clubs formed by Myanmar youths living in Japan. 


The Chin National Day Futsal Tournament in Japan was held on February 5 at Aoba Sky Field in Yokohama. 24 teams participated, with some teams coming from Nagoya and Osaka!

2月5日、横浜のあおばスカイ・フィールドで「チン・ナショナルデー・フットサル大会 in Japan」が開催されました。24チームが参加し、中には名古屋や大阪から来たチームも!

Heartship Myanmar Japan was there to sell our original tote bags and Myanmar sweets homemade by our dear friend and supporter Theingi who cooked all night to prepare for this event🙏 The sweets were sold out, and we sold more than 20 tote bags raising over ¥60,000 in donations. 


Sawmi was also asked to give out the champion trophy.


With still so many people suffering in Myanmar as a result of the military coup, we continue to ask for your support to help as many people as possible and spread the word about what’s happening in Myanmar🙏


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