Heartship Myanmar Japan Reports 活動報告 Rice Arrives to Satawm Refugees 避難生活を送るサタウム村民に米が届きました

Rice Arrives to Satawm Refugees 避難生活を送るサタウム村民に米が届きました

In October, HMJ was able to send  about 800 US$ (95,000 Yen) to buy rice and medicine for the Satawm villagers. 

Unfortunately, volunteers did not feel safe to carry the bags to Satawm because of the junta invading Chin State. The bags of rice got stuck on the way, hence, only some medicine was distributed on October 18, 2021.

Finally on November 15, 2021, 13 bags of rice (50kg each) arrived for distribution.

This time, however, rain was the obstacle. (June to October is monsoon season in Myanmar)

Because there are no proper roads, heavy rain makes it almost impossible or dangerous for vehicles. There was no choice but to distribute the rice at a different location, where it took hours for some villagers to get there.

Despite the harsh conditions, we are glad to finally be able to deliver the rice and some more medicine. 

Thank you so much to those who donated.

2021年10月、避難生活を送るサタウム村の人々に米と医薬品を届けるために800ドル(¥95,000)をHeartship Myanmar Japanから送金しましたが、国軍がチン州を攻撃していたことから、米を運び入れることは危険との判断で途中までしか輸送することができませんでした。そのため、10月18日に最低限の医薬品のみの配布を実施しました。






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