Satawm refugees in Mizoram, India インド、ミゾラムで難民生活を送るサタウム村の人々

Satawm is a small village of about 60 households located in the borderline of Myanmar and India. 
On 17 September 2021, there was a shooting between the junta and Chin National Defense Force (CNDF). 

Since then, some of the villagers fled to the nearest village in Mizoram State, India and some are hiding in their farm and some in the forest.  The weather is getting cold with heavy rain, Satawm villagers are struggling hard for survival. 

Za Hlei Tiali (45), is an unwell mother living together with her family now in a small barn without walls.  The condition of her health is getting worse due to the cold weather and being unable to get the necessary medicines.

2021年9月17日、インドとの国境に近くに位置する60世帯ほどの小さな村サタウム(Satawm)で、国軍とChin National Defense Force (CNDF)の銃撃戦が起きたため、村民は避難生活を送っています。


Za Hlei Tialiさん(45才)は体調を崩していますが、家族と共に壁もない納屋で生活しています。寒さで容体が悪化していますが、薬も手に入らないそうです。

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