Heartship Myanmar Japan Reports 活動報告,The Peopleインタビュー Dalah House Project Interview #1 ダラ・ハウス・プロジェクト・インタビュー その1

Dalah House Project Interview #1 ダラ・ハウス・プロジェクト・インタビュー その1

Here is the first interview from one of the families who moved into a new home with the Dalah House Project.

“Since our house was destroyed by the junta, we had no choice but to  practically live in a hut built directly on the ground. My youngest son was terribly bitten by insects which resulted in a serious case of boils, but the NPO staff took us to see the doctor and now he is fine.  Thank you so much.”


”There was no way we could afford to build a house like this.  I am so overwhelmed with joy and happiness.  The house has a wooden floor and concrete foundation blocks. The zinc sheet walls protect us from the rain. Since the house is built near a tree, it’s nice and breezy. Thank you so much.”

「自分たちだけでこのような家を建てるなんて到底できなかったので、今は喜びと幸福感でいっぱいです。 この家は、床は木製で、基礎はコンクリートブロック。亜鉛板の壁が雨を防いでくれるし、近くに木が建っているので風通しもよく、気持ちいいです。本当にありがとうございました。」

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