Heartship Myanmar Japan Events イベント 75th Chin National Day チン・ナショナル・デー

75th Chin National Day チン・ナショナル・デー

On February 20, 1948, more than 500 Chin representatives from 53 ethnic groups across Chin State convened a Chin National Conference when the representatives voted to adopt the modern democratic governing system over the traditional feudal system. 

2023 marked the golden jubilee, the 75th Chin National Day. Every year, Chins around the world gather to celebrate this special day.  In Japan, the event took place on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at Chiba Cultural Hall in Chiba city organized by Chin Community of Japan (CCJ) and Chin Youth Organization (CYO).

2023年は、75回目のチン・ナショナル・デー、ゴールデン・ジュビリーを迎えました。毎年、世界中でチン族がこの特別な日を祝うために集まっており、 日本では、2023年2月19日(日)、千葉県文化会館で、Chin Community of Japan(CCJ)とChin Youth Organization(CYO)の主催で開催されました。

The day began with a worship service at 11 am where anybody was free to join at any time. Although 90% of Myanmar people are Buddhists, the Chins are mostly Christian. This is because the Christian missionaries visited the secluded area in the late 19th century.


The ceremony began at 2pm where the opening and welcoming speech was given by our own Sawmi who served as the secretary of CCJ and manager of the CND working committee.  

午後2時からのセレモニーでは、CCJ幹事およびCNDワーキング・コミッティーのマネージャーを務めたソウミが 開会の挨拶と歓迎の言葉を述べました。

The program included traditional Chin dances, ethnic fashion shows, and the singing of traditional songs.



We also sold the Heartship Myanmar Japan tote bags for education.


A speech was given by Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, a very famous Chin leader who was awarded the Martin Luther King peace prize in 2007 and is currently serving as the vice president of the Chin National Front. 

2007年にマーティン・ルーサー・キング平和賞を受賞し、現在はチン民族戦線の副総裁を務めるチン族のリーダー、Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong氏のスピーチもありました。

In the evening, there was a charity concert for ChinLand.  About 30 Myanmar modern songs were performed by three different Myanmar bands from Tokyo.

夕方からは、チャリティーコンサートが行われ、 東京から参加した3組のミャンマー人バンドにより、約30曲のミャンマー歌謡曲が演奏されました。

Adding ticket sales (¥1,000 each)  and donations, the event raised a total of over ¥1,200,000 all of which will be donated to the Chin refugees, who are leading difficult lives due to the military coup.


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