Heartship Myanmar Japan Events イベント Federal Festival in Tokyo ミャンマー多民族祭り

Federal Festival in Tokyo ミャンマー多民族祭り

Federal Festival (ミャンマー多民族祭り= Myanmar Ethnic Group Festival)  was held on November 27th in Kameido, Tokyo.


Followed by an opening ceremony,  there were talks about federal democracy which the people of Myanmar are fighting for.  After that, there were many stage performances such as traditional dances of different ethnic groups, music performances, and an ethnic costume fashion show.


Various types of Myanmar food were sold and enjoyed by both Myanmar and Japanese visitors.


The Chin Community of Japan (CCJ) booth run by Sawmi of Heartship Myanmar Japan was a big success. Many people visited the booth and showed much interest about Chin, one of the ethnic groups in Myanmar. 

Many guests also purchased our original Mingalabar tote bags as well!

ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンのソウミが運営するCCJ (Chin Community of Japan) のブースは大盛況でした。多くの人がブースを訪れ、ミャンマーの民族の一つであるチン族について興味を示してくれました。


Blessed with great weather, the event turned out to be very successful with the place packed not only with Myanmar people but many Japanese visitors as well.  


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