NPO Lecture at Japanese High School 高校でNPOについて講演

Sharing What’s Happening in Myanmar and our NPO Activities

This week, we had the opportunity to visit a high school in Tokyo and give a talk about the current situation in Myanmar and our NPO activities as Heartship Myanmar Japan.

To prepare for this event, we tried to summarize Myanmar’s history so that students in Japan could easily understand, and include stories related to their generation. We were very glad to find that many students seemed to be engaged.

After the 45-minute lecture, the students divided into groups for a discussion, which gave us a chance to listen to their thoughts and reactions.

Most of the students said that although they had heard about the coup, they did not know that young people their age were shot and killed in the protests, and that it was the first time they had heard about the tough situation for many Myanmar citizens.

If there are more opportunities like this, we definitely hope to continue.







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