Heartship Myanmar Japan Other その他 Pin badge company Interview 缶バッジ会社 取材記事

Pin badge company Interview 缶バッジ会社 取材記事

The Heartship Myanmar Japan original tote bags come with two pin badges. One is the HMJ logo, and the other is the map of Myanmar. We love the fact that the pins allow us to add these elements on our product and at the same time give our donors the freedom to remove them whenever they want.
Recently, BADGE-MAN NET, the company that sells pin badge parts in Japan, interviewed us as an example of how their pins are being used.
Here is the released interview. Below is the article with English translation.




“I want to change the future of children suffering through education.”

This is the challenge of Sawmi, a Myanmar national living in Japan.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which will soon mark one year since the war began, continues to be a back-and-forth struggle, with no end in sight to the fighting that has engulfed the civilian population. While many media outlets report on this war, numerous conflicts have erupted around the world, causing many innocent people to suffer. One such example is Myanmar, where the Myanmar military conducted a coup two years ago. What began as crackdown against democratic movements is turning into an exchange of violence between the military and the people who have taken up arms.

このような故郷の惨状に対して、日本に住むミャンマー人のソウミ(本名:ラ スワン リアン)さんは、日本人の友人のティナさんらと共に、ミャンマーの中でも特に貧しい人々が暮らす地域に向けた生活・教育・医療支援を行うNGO「Heartship Myanmar Japan(以下HMJ)を設立しました。

In response to the devastation in her homeland, Sawmi (real name: La Sawm Lian), a Myanmar national living in Japan, decided to stand up. Sawmi and her friends in Japan established Heartship Myanmar Japan (HMJ), a nonprofit that provides livelihood, education, and medical assistance to the poorest areas in Myanmar. 


Supporting her hometown from Japan, 4,700 km away


In this interview, we ask about the current situation in Myanmar, Sawmi’s thoughts on her homeland, and how the pins are used in HMJ’s activities.



What kind of activities does HMJ do?

ソウミ: HMJでは、両親の出身地であるチン州サタウム村とその周辺地域、ヤンゴンで貧困している人達に対して、ホームページやイベントを通じて集めた寄付金を現地に送り、お米や医療物資の配給、貯水槽の整備、教育支援、移動クリニックの実施などを行っています。

Sawmi: HMJ sends donations collected through its website and various events to impoverished people near Satawm village, Chin State, where my parents are from, and in Yangon. We distribute rice and medical supplies, build water tanks, support education and conduct mobile clinics.


The military coup in Myanmar took place in February 2021. Witnessing the critical situation in my country, together with my Japanese friend Tina and Jacob (an American photographer and English teacher) we founded HMJ in October 2021.

バッジマンネット: ティナさんはどのような経緯で活動に参加されたのですか?

Badgeman Net: Tina, how did you get involved in the activity?

ティナ: ボランティアで通訳をしていた在日外国人のコミュニティを通して、ソウミと知り合いました。子ども達の年齢が近くサッカーという共通点もあることから、ソウミが故郷に帰る際にお互いのチームのサッカー用品を送るなど、ママ友として仲良くお付き合いしてきました。


Tina: I met Sawmi through a foreiners‘ community where I volunteered as an interpreter. Our children are close in age and had soccer in common, so we became good friends as moms. We collected used soccer gear from local soccer teams which Sawmi and her family carried to her hometown.

However, after the military coup in February 2021, Sawmi was unable to return to her hometown, and the devastating news she received via the internet was so overwhelming that she was unable to sleep. Wanting to help, we started our activities in hopes that we could support her country even a little.



I have the impression that the situation in Myanmar is not well reported in the Japanese media.

ティナ: 情報が全くないわけではないですが、少なくともテレビでミャンマーのリアルな現状を知るのは難しいでしょう。


Tina: It‘s not that there is no information at all, but it is difficult to get a realistic picture of the current situation in Myanmar, at least on TV.

Prices have risen due to the military regime, leaving many people in poverty. In some areas, heavy bombings are still ongoing, and schools have been closed for months. Our next mobile clinic also had to be postponed.


The pins are delivered to those who have a genuine desire to help Myanmar, even in a small way



Badgeman net: I didn’t know the situation was that difficult. How do you collect donations?

ティナ: HPから寄付を受け付けるシステムを構築しました。友人や家族、叔父、叔母、従兄弟など親戚が中心ですが、イベントに出展する際は募金箱も置かせてもらっています。


Tina: We have set up a system to collect donations through our website. Friends, family, uncles, aunts, cousins, and other relatives are the main donors, but we also take part in various events and and ask for donations.

We also sell our original tote bags and use all profits for our NGO activities. We use a printing company to print our design on the bags, but instead of selling them as is, we iron them and reinforce them with a sewing machine so that they can be used comfortably.



Badgeman.net: How did you design this pattern, which is not often seen in Japan?

ティナ: ソウミのミャンマー人の友達にも相談して、チン州の伝統的なブランケットの柄の一部を使うことにしました。キモ可愛い感じがとても気に入っています。


Tina: We consulted with Sawmi‘s Myanmar friends and decided to use a pattern of a traditional Chin blanket. We really like the look.

At first, we were considereing designing the bag around the HMJ logo, but we decided it was best for our supporters to go with a Myanmar design and make the logo removable by creating a pin badge.

バッジマンネット: 弊社の缶バッジマシーンは以前からご存じだったのですか?

Badgeman:  Did you always know about our pin badge machine?

ティナ: メンバーの1人であるジェイコブが、昔利用していたということでバッジマシーンを持っていました。HMJのロゴだけでなくミャンマーの地図のバッジも付けているのですが、ミャンマー人の方からは非常にご好評をいただいています。少しでもミャンマーの助けになればという純粋な思いを持った方に購入していただいて、喜んでいただけるのはとても嬉しいです。

Tina: Jacob used to make pins on his own, and owned a badge-making machine. Along with the HMJ logo pin, we also put a pin of the Myanmar map which has been very well received by Myanmar people. We are very happy that people with a genuine desire to help Myanmar in any way possible are happy to purchase our products.



“I wish to contribute to my hometown just as my grandfather and father did.

No matter how hard it is, my strong feelings remain the same.“

バッジマンネット: ソウミさんがミャンマーを支援する活動を始めたのは、今回のクーデターがきっかけですか?

Badgeman Net: Sawmi, did you start your activities to support Myanmar because of the coup?

ソウミ: 私は、教育家の祖父や国会議員だった父のおかげでミャンマーの都市部で暮らし、大学を卒業し、縁あって日本で暮らしてきましたが、社会貢献活動にそれほど興味はありませんでした。

Sawmi: Thanks to my grandfather, who was an educator, and my father, who was a member of parliament, I grew up in an urban area in Myanmar and graduated from a university. However, I was never that interested in any kind of volunteer work.

きっかけは、2011年に追悼儀式で訪れた、両親の故郷チン州サタウム村で、何ひとつ持っていない子供たちの姿を目の当たりにしたことでした。親戚である村の人たちが、山の上からふもとまで生活用水を運ぶという重労働を今も続けていたことも衝撃的でした。自分たちが日本という発展した国で何不自由なく暮らしていることを申し訳なくて、私も父や祖父と同じように故郷のために貢献したいと強く思うようになり、それまで勤めていた英語講師を辞めて、その時すでに友人だったジェイコブの助けを借りて2012年に「Hualngo Land Development Organization(HLDO)」を現地で設立しました。

It was in 2011 that I visited  Satawm village in Chin State, my parents’ hometown for a memorial ceremony. I was shocked to see that the children had almost nothing. It was also shocking to see that the villagers who are mostly my relatives were still forced to do the hard labor of carrying water daily up and down the mountain. I felt almost ashamed that we were living so comfortably in a developed country like Japan.

I became strongly motivated to contribute to my hometown just as my father and grandfather had done, so I quit my job as an English teacher and founded the Hualngo Land Development Organization (HLDO) in 2012 with help from my friend Jacob.



Badgemanet: That means you have been active for more than 10 years now. What kind of things did you do with HLDO?

ソウミ: 祖父母や両親が育った地域は、主要産業は農業ですが、牛などの家畜すら使われず、人力で行われていました。そこで、ミャンマーの若者が最新の農業技術を日本で学び、故郷に還元するプログラムを作りました。


Sawmi: In the area where my grandparents and parents grew up, the main industry was agriculture, but it was done manually, without even using cattle or other livestock. So, I created a program that allows young farmers to learn modern agriculture in Japan and return to Myanmar to spread the techniques.

HLDO’s activities were going very well and producing tangible results, but it was absorbed by a branch of a worldwide NGO, and I, as the founder, was removed from the organization.

The organization stopped contacting me, and I could no longer report on our activities to people who had donated, and I lost the trust from some friends.  But this did not change my feelings of wanting to help my country.


My mission is to change education in Myanmar to overcome poverty and create a brighter future“

バッジマンネット: 非常に辛い経験を乗り越えて今があるのですね。ソウミさんと共に活動してきたティナさんは2年間を振り返ってどのように感じていますか?

Badgman Net: You overcame very painful experiences to get where you are today. Tina, how do you feel looking back on the two years you have been working with Sawmi?

ティナ: 私はミャンマーに行ったことはありませんが、転勤族で海外での暮らしが長かったこともあり、社会に恩返しをするという意味でも社会貢献活動をしたいと思っていました。


Tina: I have never been to Myanmar, but I have lived abroad for a long time because of my father‘s job, and I’ve been feeling it was time for me to give back to society.

I was considering distributing food at a food bank, but when Sawmi said she needed help to help Myanmar, I felt strongly that this was something I could do.


Sawmi is fluent in English, but cannot read or write Japanese, so I thought that I could be a bridge between Myanmar and Japan by utilizing my skills in English and Japanese.


It is my job to be in contact with Japanese banks and organizations, and to post various information about our activities and Myanmar through our website and social media in both Japanese and English. There’s still a lot to learn, but I feel that it is very meaningful to be able to offer my skills and experience to help Sawmi and her people in Myanmar.

バッジマンネット: HMJを中心としたミャンマーを思う輪は確実に広がっているのですね。将来の展望や夢などはありますか?

Badgemanet: HMJ and the circle of people who think about Myanmar, is certainly expanding. What are your future prospects and dreams?

ソウミ: 私が最も力を注ぎたいのは、ミャンマー、特にチン州の子ども達の教育です。玩具もなければノートもない、靴すら買えないような貧しい家庭で育っていますが、明るくて非常に頭が良いです。




Sawmi: What I want to focus on most is the education of children in Myanmar, especially in Chin State. They grow up in poor families that have no toys, no notebooks, and cannot even afford shoes, but they are bright and extremely intelligent.

If we can provide them with opportunities to learn the Japanese values of honesty, discipline, and teamwork through sports and education, I believe they will grow into wonderful human beings.

Of course, we would like to build a school there, but we would also like to explore ways to connect the school with universities and vocational schools in Yangon so that they can receive higher education.

I wish to realize a brighter future for Myanmar through educating the children. This is my mission, as I am the descendent of my grandfather, who was the first in our ethnic group to receive education.

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