Heartship Myanmar Japan Soccer サッカー Teaming up with the local Soccer Association 地元サッカー協会との協力

Teaming up with the local Soccer Association 地元サッカー協会との協力

After seeing how much joy soccer gear from Japan brings to the children in Myanmar, we decided to work together with the local soccer association in order to continue collecting and sending used soccer gear. We met with Mr. Ishii and Mr. Nakagami of the Urayasu Soccer Association, who have experience of sending soccer equipment to Somalia back in 2013. We look forward to our future collaboration!
Today, we are sharing their post along with English translation.

【協会 ミャンマーの子どもたちへのサッカー用品支援を行います】

Urayasu City Soccer Association will help the collection of soccer equipment for children in Myanmar

2月 17, 2024 浦安市サッカー協会事務局


For the community festival WITH to be held on March 17, Urayasu City Soccer Association will be hosting a WALKING SOCCER experience and also help to collect soccer equipment for children in Myanmar based on a request from Heartship Myanmar Japan, also participating in the event.

ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンは、浦安市内にお住いの Lal Sawm Lian (通称 Sawmi=ソウミ、ミ ャンマー出身)さんと、同じく浦安市内のフリーランス通訳の原口ティナ倫子さん、フォトグラファー兼英語講師のジェイコブ・シアーさん(アメリカ出身)が、2021 年 2 月、ミャンマーの軍事クーデター後、ソウミさんの祖国であるミャンマーに「何かできないか?」とたちあげた、NPO グループです。

Heartship Myanmar Japan is a non-profit group launched after the military coup in February 2021 by Urayasu City resident Lal Sawm Lian (a.k.a. Sawmi, from Myanmar), freelance interpreter Tomoko Tina Haraguchi, also from Urayasu City, and photographer and English teacher Jacob Schere (from the U.S.) aiming to help Sawmi’s home country in any way they can.

https://heartshipmyanmarjapan.org ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパン ホームページ

Lal Swan Lian (通称Sawmi=ソウミ、ミャンマー出身)さんは、夫の仕事の関係で来日。小学校になじめなかったお子さんが、浦安市内のサッカークラブ、FCギャルソン浦安に入会したことで、自分の居場所ができ、その後も高校、大学とサッカーを続けています。弟もギャルソンに入会、ブリオベッカ浦安ジュニアユースを経て、現在は高校サッカー部で活動しています。

Sawmi came to Japan because of her husband’s work. When her son was having a hard time fitting in during elementary school, he joined FC Garçon Urayasu, a soccer club in Urayasu City, which became a safe place for him. Now, a university student, he continues to play soccer. His younger brother also joined Garçon, and went on to play for Briobekka Urayasu Junior Youth. He now plays soccer in his high school team.

原口ティナ倫子さんのお子さんは入船少年サッカークラブ(現 新浦安ユナイテッド)に入会。ボランティアコーチをされたお父さんと、お二人とも現在エンジョイリーガーとしてサッカーを続けています。

Tina’s son joined the Irifune Boys Soccer Club (now Shin-Urayasu United). His father was a volunteer coach, and they are both currently playing soccer as Enjoy Leaguers.


Since the coup d’état in February 2021, Myanmar has been in a state of civil war, and more than 1.8 million people have been displaced, losing their homes due to air strikes and arson by the Myanmar military.

クーデターに反対してCDM=Civil Disobedience Movement=市民的不服従運動に参加する医師や教師らも、逮捕・拘束を避けるために逃げるしかなく、その結果、病院や学校が閉鎖されたままの地域が多くなっています。

Doctors and teachers participating in the CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) against the coup have to flee to avoid arrest and detention, and as a result, hospitals and schools remain closed in many areas.



Rising prices, food shortages, power outages, collapsed bank functions, and rising unemployment are making life difficult for people.

Since the fall of 2023, the opposition forces, which are committed to overthrowing the junta, have been intensifying their attacks, and the military government has just announced that it will introduce a conscription system.


In the Hualngoram region of Chin State, all national army bases have been overrun, and moves toward autonomy are underway.


As long as the civil war continues, there are concerns that logistics in the country will be disrupted. However, people have no choice but to go about their daily lives under any circumstances, and the delivery of relief supplies, including soccer equipment from Japan, can bring smiles and joy even under difficult circumstances.

https://heartshipmyanmarjapan.org/archives/tag/whats-happening-in-myanmar ミャンマーで起きていること。


Chin State is an area inhabited by the Chin ethnic minority. Considered one of the poorest areas in Myanmar, the Hualngoram region, where HMJ is mainly engaged in relief activities, is located in the northeastern part of Chin State, on the border with India. There are 58 villages in Hualngoram, where most residents are engaged in agriculture, but as you can see in the picture, it is difficult to generate income due to the mountainous terrain and poor transportation access.


After the coup in 2021, civil wars have continued throughout Myanmar, and residents are sometimes forced to evacuate due to air strikes by the national army.


Infrastructure varies somewhat from village to village, but lighting at night and recharging of telephones is provided by solar power, and in many places there is no running water.

There are no stores in the villages where household goods can be purchased, requiring a motorcycle or car ride to a remote town.

https://heartshipmyanmarjapan.org/archives/2303 チン州サタウム村のレポート


As international logistics resumed after the COVID pandemic, Heartship Myanmar Japan sent used soccer equipment that had kept stored in August 2023 by sea, and although it took more than 5 months due to the civil war, the packages arrived safely at the village in Chin State in January 2024, bringing smiles to the children who had been waiting for them.

https://heartshipmyanmarjapan.org/archives/category/reports サッカー用品寄贈レポート 


Soccer in Myanmar began in the 1880s, when it was taught by the British during the British colonial period and spread throughout Myanmar. Since it can be played as long as you have a ball, soccer is still the most popular sport in Myanmar today.

1920年代、日本の全国の学校で サッカーの技術を教えたミャンマー人Kyaw Dinも有名で、パスでつなぐサッカーを指導し、日本サッカーのスタイル確立に寄与した人物です。

Kyaw Din, a Myanmar national who taught the art of soccer in schools throughout Japan in the 1920s, is also well known for his contributions to the establishment of the Japanese style of soccer by teaching the art of passing the ball.

https://www.jfa.jp/about_jfa/hall_of_fame/member/Kyaw_DIN.html 日本サッカー協会ホームページ 日本サッカー殿堂


In Urayasu City, children can safely enjoy playing soccer at elementary schools and other sports facilities in the city, but there are areas in the world in combat where children cannot play safely because there are no schools, hospitals, or other facilities, let alone soccer facilities.


In the hope that this will help people to understand this reality and think about what we can do to help, we will help the collection of soccer equipment for the children in Myanmar about twice a year in cooperation with Heartship Myanmar Japan.


If you have any unused soccer equipment such as uniforms, shoes, balls, airpumps, markers, etc., please donate them to us. Shirts, soccer pants, and socks should be washed, and shoes should be wiped on the outside. Children’s sizes are appreciated, but adult sizes can also be utilized, so please provide them.


Please bring them with you on Sunday, March 17, from 10:00 to 16:00, as they will be collected at the site of WALKING SOCCER experience outside. Please also visit Heartship Myanmar Japan’s exhibit in room 301. Donations for sending soccer equipment to Myanmar will also be accepted.

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