Heartship Myanmar Japan Events イベント,Reports 活動報告 Welcome to Myanmar Cooking Day ミャンマー料理 体験会を開催しました

Welcome to Myanmar Cooking Day ミャンマー料理 体験会を開催しました

On February 21, 2024, we hosted our very first Myanmar Cooking Day. 

A group of eight members of the Urayasu Mita-kai participated as we began by briefly introducing what we do as Heartship Myanmar Japan and informing about what is happening in Myanmar. 



We started by cooking Sawmi’s version of “Myanmar oil” made in every household. After frying the garlic at a low temperature, turmeric and paprika powder are added to make it a vibrant color.

This oil was then used to make a salad. This day we combined boiled squid, shredded cabbage, onions, tomatoes, and cilantro. (We also made a version without cilantro for those who aren’t keen on it.)




The other dish we prepared was chicken and vermicelli soup, cooked with chicken bones and nampla for depth and aroma. 


Since this was our first attempt at hosting a cooking session there is still a lot that we can improve, but we were so glad that everybody seemed to enjoy eating homestyle Myanmar food for the first time. 

Now that COVID restrictions are lifted, we hope to organize this kind of cooking event again as it gives us an opportunity to talk about many topics and deepen everyone’s understanding of Myanmar.



出席していただいた皆様、ありがとうございました! Thank you!

Everyone took home a small bottle of Myanmar oil as a souvenir.


If you are interested in trying Myanmar home cooking, please let us know🙂

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