Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 「軍政は崩壊し始めている」来日したミャンマー民主派の外相 “The military regime is beginning to collapse” Myanmar’s Pro-Democracy Foreign Minister visits Japan

「軍政は崩壊し始めている」来日したミャンマー民主派の外相 “The military regime is beginning to collapse” Myanmar’s Pro-Democracy Foreign Minister visits Japan

The fight in Myanmar has been increasing in tension since October. Let us share a translation of an article on Tokyo Shimbun WEB.


<連載 ミャンマーの声>


<Myanmar Voices>

In November, Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung of the National Union Government (NUG), which was formed by democratic factions to oppose the military junta that staged a coup in February 2021, visited Japan, the first NUG cabinet member to do so. He made contact with parliamentarians and foreign ministry officials and claimed at press conferences and rallies that the military regime is reducing the area it controls in response to the recent offensive by the pro-democracy side. At what is said to be the biggest turning point since the coup, what do they ask Japan to do to restore democracy? (Shigefumi KITAGAWA)


Fighting the junta in cooperation with armed forces


“The military regime is beginning to collapse.” Zin Mar Aung stressed at a press conference held on November 24 at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward. The NUG was established as a legitimate government by members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi, who lost power in a coup. Under their umbrella, the People’s Defence Force (PDF) is working with ethnic minority armed groups to fight the junta.


The PDF and ethnic minorities have been on the offensive since late October. According to Zin Mar Aung, the junta’s influence in rural areas is now less than 40% and they have begun to lose control of urban areas as well. The total number of military and police officers who have surrendered to the NUG side since the coup is now estimated at 14,000.

NUGのジンマーアウン外相 / NUG Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung 


On November 21, Zin Mar Aung spoke to parliamentarians at a rally held in the National Assembly by the nonpartisan Parliamentarians United for Democracy in Myanmar, chaired by Masaharu Nakagawa.


 “If you give us more definite support, we can end the suffering of the Myanmar people more quickly.”


Behind these words, there was a hint of dissatisfaction with Japan’s diplomacy in Myanmar. Zin Mar Aung said, “We are not thinking of destroying the entire military. I hope that effective pressure from the international community will bring about change from the top ranks of the military.”  Cited was the establishment of diplomatic relations with the NUG and economic sanctions against the military leaders and military-affiliated companies.


Japan, however, unlike the U.S. and Europe, has not sanctioned the military leaders but has continued its Official Development Assistance (ODA) programs and has not officially approved the NUG, despite the Diet’s resolution condemning it after the coup. “The NUG is grateful for the resolution, but it is not enough.” Zin Mar Aung urged Japan to review its foreign policy, increase pressure against the military regime in cooperation with other Asian countries, and recognize the NUG.


Humanitarian assistance desperately needed


According to the UN, more than 300,000 people have fled their homes due to intensified fighting since late October, and the number of internally displaced persons is estimated at about 2 million, including those who were displaced before that time. Zin Mar Aung called for “humanitarian assistance through organizations cooperating with the NUG so that it does not involve the junta.”


During the 12-day stay, Zin Mar Aung also met with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to share his views on ODA and the nature of humanitarian assistance. However, they were treated only informally.


“It is a big mistake to have discussions only with the military regime”


On the other hand, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel, who met with Zin Mar Aung on Nov 27, posted a pro-NUG message on X (formerly Twitter), saying, “I support a government that truly represents the people.” This highlighted the difference in stance between the Japanese and U.S. governments.


Zin Mar Aung also held meetings with NGO officials and researchers. Professor Maiko Ichihara of Hitotsubashi University’s Graduate School of International Politics, who presided over the meeting, said, “The significance of this visit to Japan is great.”

ミャンマー国軍と戦闘を続ける民族武装勢力(The Kokang online提供、AP)
ミャンマー国軍と戦闘を続ける民族武装勢力(The Kokang online、AP)
Ethnic armed groups continue to fight Myanmar’s National Army (Courtesy of The Kokang online, AP)


Ichihara commends the visit to Japan for conveying the current situation in Myanmar and arousing interest, while the focus of the world’s attention has turned to Gaza and Ukraine. She added, “The absolute majority of Myanmar citizens are opposed to the military rule. It would be a big mistake to engage in dialogue only with the military, believing that military rule will stabilize the country in the future.”


“We must also talk with the NUG and ethnic minorities. In that sense, it is significant that Zin Mar Aung met with Foreign Ministry officials. I hope that Japan will be serious about building relations with the NUG, even if only informally. I hope that the Japanese government will not leave the matter to ASEAN and will instead step up its diplomatic efforts to resolve the Myanmar problem.”

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