The people of Myanmar are living in the ugliest and bloodiest time in their history. Since March this year, the junta has upped its brutality, conducting air strikes on its own people, attacking villages, robbing and burning houses and killing innocent people. The PDF (People’s Defence Force) has been fighting back resulting in many casualties on both sides.
ミャンマーの人々は今、史上最も殺伐とした、血なまぐさい時代を生きています。 今年の3月以降、国軍はその残忍さを増し、自国民への空爆、村への攻撃、強盗や家屋の焼き討ちを次々と実行するなど、罪のない人々を殺害しています。対するPDF(人民防衛軍)も反撃に転じ、双方に多くの死傷者が出ています。
International news is covering the recent attack in the Sagaing region that has killed more than 100 people, mostly women and children. This is only one of the many attacks that are being conducted across the country.
Heartship Myanmar Japan’s Sawmi spoke with her niece who lives in Sagaing. She has escaped to her sister’s house located 6 hours away by car.
She has sent us these videos.
About 500,000 villagers from 17 villages in the Saging region have fled to Kalay and other cities for refuge.
These people are trapped with no job and very little money.
UNHCR is also asking to help these people in Myanmar.
In some parts of Kalay, the junta has cut internet connection.