Heartship Myanmar Japan Other その他 “Washington Mizo News” Interview ワシントンDCインタビュー

“Washington Mizo News” Interview ワシントンDCインタビュー

Last week, HMJ Tina visited Washington D.C. and met with Rema, who leads HPO (Hualngoram Peoples’ Organization) in the US. Heartship Myanmar Japan has been working with HPO in the education program and the mobile clinics.

Rema and his wife Florence also run a YouTube Channel “Washington Mizo News” which they use to inform people and conduct fundraising events to help their home country, especially the Hualngoram area where major relief funds usually do not reach. Their channel is in the Hualngo language, one of the dialects of Chin state, which is different from standard Burmese.

先週、HMJティナがワシントンD.C.を訪れ、アメリカのHPO(Hualngoram Peoples Organization)の代表を務めているRemaらと対面。ハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンは教育支援移動クリニックの実施でHPOと連携しています。
Remaと妻フのローレンスは、YouTubeチャンネル “Washington Mizo News “を運営し、母国を支援するための情報提供や募金活動も実施中。チャンネルは、標準的なビルマ語とは異なるチン州の方言のひとつであるHualngo語で運営されています。

It was great to meet with them in person for the very first time. We exchanged thoughts and promised to continue our collaboration in our efforts to help Myanmar.


Here is the YouTube interview.

こちらが、Washington Mizo News で配信されたインタビューです。

We also passed on the new black version of the HMJ tote bags to be sold in the US. We are currently preparing these bags to be sold in Japan as well.


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