Heartship Myanmar Japan Health医療 School health program to protect the children 子どもの健康を守るための保健プログラム

School health program to protect the children 子どもの健康を守るための保健プログラム

The need to support children’s health

June to October is Myanmar’s rainy season, with August and September experiencing the heaviest rain. During these two months, children’s health deteriorates, with an increase in measles, mumps, and rubella. Traveling to the city for treatment is also difficult due to poor road conditions. Not to mention that the military is still invading Chin State.



Implementing a School health program

There are about 2,000 children in Hualngoram, Chin State. Since our budget and manpower make it difficult to provide care to all, 905 children in 20 villages with difficulty accessing healthcare facilities were selected to receive a school health program. 

At the end of the program, one school was chosen and awarded as the best to promote health activities.




Providing health checkups and vitamins

HPO (Hualngoram People’s Organization) staff traveled to the 20 villages and conducted health checkups at schools. The children’s height, weight, and health conditions were recorded.

To protect the children’s health, a one-month supply of vitamin B12 (recommended by HPO doctors) and one pack (five sachets) of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) were also distributed.


HPO(Hualngoram People’s Organization)のスタッフが20の村を訪問し、それぞれの学校で健康診断を実施。子どもたちの身長、体重、健康状態が記録されました。



Children receiving vitamins ビタミン剤をもらった子どもたち

Teaching the importance of nutrition and hygiene

Health awareness activities were also conducted. The children learned the importance of washing hands and the nutrition they can get from vegetables they grow in their village.



Good results seen from the program

At the end of the one-month program, health improvements were seen. Children’s overall health was good, even though measles, influenza, and colds were spreading in the area.

プログラム終了後の結果は 良好


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