Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 NHK:ミャンマー軍を支える巨大な闇 Investigative Report by NHK: Darkness that Supports the Myanmar Military

NHK:ミャンマー軍を支える巨大な闇 Investigative Report by NHK: Darkness that Supports the Myanmar Military

This is a translation of a summary based on a special investigative report by NHK, first aired on Sept 21, 2024.


Three and a half years after the military coup, the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, which has become a “forgotten battlefield,” is worsening. The military is stepping up its air raids within the country, and the lives of civilians are being taken indiscriminately. While Western countries have imposed strict sanctions on the Myanmar military, why are they continuing to attack civilians? Analysis of satellite images, ship track data, customs records, etc. has revealed the reality that jet fuel is flowing into the country despite the sanctions. Furthermore, some of Japan’s ODA funds have also flowed to military-related companies.


In Myanmar, where a civil war rages on, the people live in fear of air raids that attack their villages.


Three years ago (in February 2021), the military, which had staged a coup, suppressed the protesting citizens with brutal force. Due to strict information control, the true situation in Myanmar has become difficult to see from the outside world.

空爆の激化 1900回以上


Over 1900 air raids

And now, as the pro-democracy forces who have taken up arms strengthen their stance of total resistance

the military has intensified its air raids, involving civilians in various parts of Myanmar. Since the coup, the number of raids has continued to increase, exceeding 1,900.

The number of victims of military suppression and attacks is said to have exceeded 5,600, and the number of displaced people is said to have reached 3 million.




In response, countries led by the United States have strengthened sanctions against the military. Despite this, why is the military able to step up its air raids? NHK followed the military supplies and funds flowing to the Myanmar military.

The Program analyzed the wake data and customs records of more than 2,500 ships entering and leaving Myanmar’s ports, and it became clear that jet fuel, which is essential for air strikes, is being brought into Myanmar via neighboring countries.

Furthermore, we investigated the reality that part of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) funds are being channeled to military-related companies.

悪化し続けるミャンマー情勢 空爆被害の実態は



The situation in Myanmar continues to deteriorate. What is the reality of the damage from the air raids?

There is a town that has been devastated by air raids by the military.Kayah State, Pasaung. We obtained footage of the current situation in the town from a local collaborator.

Local collaborator: “No matter where you look, it’s all black.”


This town, which was home to 20,000 people, is a predominantly Buddhist country, but even the temples were mercilessly destroyed. It is still not known how many people died in this town


Some of the people who survived the air raid fled deep into the mountains. Around 800 people are living in temporary accommodation.



This man lost his wife and mother when his house was bombed while he was out alone.

“The bombing destroyed everything. My wife made it to the hospital, but she died. My mother died instantly.”



Win, a 5-year-old boy, lost his right arm in the bombing.

Win’s father says “It’s very painful. Thinking about my child makes me even sadder. My wife was irreplaceable.”



元兵士たちが運営するインターネット放送局では、ミャンマー軍の兵士たちに、軍を離れるよう呼びかけている。 この放送局の支援で、これまで150人が軍から離反したという。

Why do they bomb without considering the civilians?

Why do the Myanmar military carry out air raids without considering the civilian casualties?

We heard that there was a base for soldiers who had defected from the military, so we headed to neighboring Thailand.

An internet broadcasting station run by former soldiers is calling on Myanmar soldiers to leave the army. It is said that 150 people have so far defected from the army with the support of this broadcasting station.



This man, who had fled from an air force base, described how attacks on towns were carried out

Former Myanmar air force sergeant Nyan Yo: “After bombing with fighter jets, they chase after them with helicopters and shoot them all thoroughly with 30mm cannons.”



After the coup, the pro-democracy forces, who had taken up arms, increased their resistance together with the armed forces of the ethnic minorities.

These are military bases that were taken over by the pro-democracy forces. After the large-scale attack in October 2023, the number of these bases spread, centering on the border areas.



A former sergeant in the air force, testified that the military had designated the areas they had seized as terrorist zones and were carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

Former sergeant in the Myanmar air force, Nay Win Aung: “They bomb civilians day and night. At night, when people are asleep, they target the middle of towns.”



Why is the military continuing to carry out air raids?

Immediately after the 2021 coup d’état US President Biden said “We will impose sanctions on the military leaders who masterminded the coup and on related businesses.”



The US and other Western countries have imposed economic sanctions such as asset freezes on the military leaders who orchestrated the coup and on companies affiliated with the military. Furthermore, last year (2023), they targeted companies involved in the supply and procurement of jet fuel, which is essential for air strikes, in an attempt to prevent air strikes.

However, the number of confirmed air strikes has continued to increase even after the sanctions were imposed.




Why are the military able to step up their air raids despite the sanctions?

We decided to first investigate the actual situation of military aircraft operations.

This is footage was taken in the town of Pasaun, which was devastated by an air raid attack. It shows the shadow of a plane flying at high speed.



Based on information about the sighting of military aircraft posted on social networking sites by local residents, we attempted to identify the aircraft in the footage.

The footage was taken at 9:04 am on July 11th. A Mig-29 fighter jet had taken off from the Taungoo Air Force Base in the central region, which is about 100 km away, in a southeastern direction.


There was no information of an air strike in the neighboring area at this time, so it is highly likely that this is the exact plane. The MiG-29 is a main fighter jet of Russia, and it is said to have a high ground attack capability.



In order to find out what other military aircraft are being used, we visualized over 200,000 sighting reports.

This year (2024), the most sightings were of the Taungoo Air Force Base in the central region. In addition to the MiG-29, Russian-made Mi-35 attack helicopters and the K8, which China was involved in developing, were also sighted.



Furthermore, military aircraft deployed after the coup were also confirmed.

In the area around the air force base in the capital, Naypyidaw, there were the Sukhoi 30 high-performance Russian-made fighter jets that were deployed last year (2023).


And at the Namsan air force base in the north, there were the FTC-2000G fighter-attack jets, which are said to have been purchased from China two years ago (2022).


Even after being sanctioned by the West, it is thought that they have acquired new military aircraft from Russia and China and are continuing to carry out military operations.



Investigating the supply routes for jet fuel

The Myanmar military targets even civilian villages with airstrikes. With sanctions in place, how are they obtaining the jet fuel that is essential for airstrikes?


ターミナルの運営会社1つ1つの 登記情報を入手し調べると、ジェット燃料専用のタンクがあるのは、「3番ターミナル」だけだということがわかった。


We focused our attention on the port of Thilawa, located on the outskirts of Yangon. By comparing publicly available information about the port facilities with satellite images, we discovered that there are 13 oil terminals there.

By obtaining and examining the registration information for each of the terminal operating companies, we found that the only terminal with tanks dedicated to jet fuel is Terminal 3.

This is an image posted on a social networking site by someone connected to the terminal. The white tank clearly says “jet fuel”.


We obtained and visualized the wake data of the 2,500 ships that entered and left the port of Thilawa after the coup, and identified the ships that had entered Terminal 3.



Since March of last year (2023), when sanctions were tightened, there have been 14 entries into the port, and 10 of these were by a particular ship:

“Fuiton 78”. Checking the registration information, it was a tanker owned by a Chinese company.


Checking the footage taken around the terminal, the Fuiton 78 was not visible, but a truck leaving Terminal 3 was visible.


In order to find out which transport company it was, I tried to identify the number plate and was able to confirm it as “1M-8704”. After investigating based on the characteristics of the truck, a transport company called CLP came to the fore.


I then found a man who had previously worked as a driver for this company and contacted him. The man confirmed that it was a truck from this company and sent me the slip from when he delivered jet fuel.


The same vehicle number was on the slip. From the man’s story that he was in contact with his former colleagues, we were able to see that jet fuel was still being transported out.




We asked a research company that independently collects data on transactions involving petroleum products to investigate “Fitton 78”.

Petroleum Transaction Data Analyst “We independently confirmed multiple sources of information and investigated the cargo.”

The cargo was marked with the letters “JET”. From an analysis of customs data and other sources, it was highly likely that the Fuiton 78 was carrying jet fuel.


So where did it come from? By retracing the ship’s route, we found that it had been transported a total of eight times from a port in Vietnam since March 2023, when the sanctions were imposed.




We investigated the companies that may have supplied jet fuel to the Phu Quoc 78 at this port, and the records of Vietnamese imports and exports revealed the existence of a particular company.

Interview team (telephone interview) “Hello, this is NHK from Japan. Can you hear me?”

Company representative: “I have nothing to say. This is so annoying. You’re calling me when I’m sleeping soundly.”









The line went dead, and when we tried calling again, a different person answered the phone.

Interview team: ”We’d like to ask you about the transport of jet fuel to Myanmar.”

Company representative: “We used to transport it, but…”

Interview team: “If you used to transport it, could you tell us how long ago that was?”

Company representative: ‘Well, that’s enough.’

Interview team: ”You said you used to transport it…”

The phone was hung up again. Although they refused to say when it was, they did admit that they had transported jet fuel to Myanmar before.

Then, where does the jet fuel come from? By identifying the ships from the transaction data and going back through the wake data, we found that the starting point was a refinery in China. Furthermore, we found that other ships came from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.




We identified the distributors of each of these and asked about the jet fuel, but we did not get a clear answer.

As we continued to interview former Myanmar soldiers who had fled to Thailand, we came across a certain person. He was a former employee of the Myanmar national oil company and was involved in the procurement of jet fuel.

Former employee of the Myanmar Oil and Gas Corporation: “Because the state-run oil company is subject to sanctions, it is unable to import (jet fuel). At present, importers are using black market routes to import it.”


The surrounding countries that have emerged in relation to the transport routes for jet fuel, and Russia and China, which supply military aircraft, have not imposed sanctions on Myanmar.




What kind of response has the Japanese government taken?

While the international community has not been able to reach a consensus, what kind of response has the Japanese government taken?

Japan has not imposed sanctions on Myanmar, and has taken a policy of encouraging the military to stop violence through dialogue.




In April 2023, a question was raised about the Japanese government.

A special rapporteur from the United Nations visited Japan and pointed out the possibility that some of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) was benefiting the military.

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews: “I strongly urge the Japanese government to thoroughly investigate the impact of ODA on human rights in Myanmar.”


In 1954, as part of its post-war reparations, Japan began a hydroelectric power plant project in Myanmar. This led to ODA with the philosophy of “contributing to peace and prosperity”, and Japan became the largest donor country.


However, in 1988, the military staged a coup and took control of the government, and the Japanese government drastically reduced ODA. The Japanese government did not resume ODA until 2013, when the military government steered the country towards democratization. When the government led by Aung San Suu Kyi came to power, ODA expanded further, and the total amount exceeded 1 trillion yen.


Then, three years ago (2021), the military, which had staged a coup, suppressed the citizens. The Japanese government suspended new ODA, but it decided to continue existing projects such as infrastructure development, including roads and water supply.



When we asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the reason for the continuation, we received a written response.

“The purpose of existing ODA projects is to contribute to improving the lives of the people of Myanmar and to economic development, as well as to respond to humanitarian needs, and they are not intended to support the military or the current regime led by the military. The Japanese government has been working on these projects based on a consistent policy of supporting the people of Myanmar, especially at times of hardship” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs response)





Why are there questions being raised about ODA?

The Japanese government says that ODA “is not intended to support the military”. So why are there questions being raised about it?

There is one project that we have been paying attention to as part of the ongoing ODA: the Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project. This is a project that is being carried out with the aim of repairing and modernizing the aging infrastructure.

It is thought that the pro-democracy forces have blown up the tracks more than ten times in the section of the line that Japan is working to repair.



In the course of investigating the reasons for this, we came across a man who had worked for the national railway until just after the coup.

He showed us a video of a train. This train is actually owned by the military and is used to transport military supplies.



Former Myanmar Railways employee:

“Before the coup, the military used green trains. Now they’re disguising themselves as regular trains because they’re afraid of being attacked.”


This train, which is disguised with the same red and blue pattern as the regular trains, has the vehicle number “DF_2087”.


If you look for the same vehicle number on social networking sites, you can confirm that it was green before the coup.




A former senior official of the national railway who was involved in the ODA project for this railway says that there is a document in which the military ordered the transport of goods.

Former Myanmar Railways executive, The Hla:

“The schedule for January this year (2024) is written here. Seven cars of processed products and raw materials from the weapons department. (The instructions) do not give details, but because they are instructions from the weapons department, they are weapons, ammunition, bombs, etc.”



It has become clear that the projects that continued after the coup may have been used for military purposes, contrary to the intentions of the Japanese government.

The ODA projects continued despite the risks. This time, a questionnaire survey was conducted of the 30 Japanese companies that received large-scale projects, and responses were received from 24 companies. Eighteen of these companies responded that they continued with their projects after the coup.


ODA is a system whereby the Japanese government lends funds to the Myanmar government at a low interest rate, and the project costs are paid to the Japanese companies that have received orders and to local companies that are subcontractors, etc.




The survey showed that the Japanese companies had continued their projects while consulting with the government.

“Because we confirmed the Japanese government’s policy of continuing existing ODA,”

“The Japanese government has indicated its policy of continuing with ODA projects that are already underway, and our company has decided to continue with its projects in line with this policy.”


In addition, most of the companies responded that they had continued with their projects after confirming that there were no human rights risks.

ODA資金が流れる企業と軍との関係は バゴー橋事業


Relationship between companies that receive ODA funding and the military Bago Bridge Project

In June this year (2024), a ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of a bridge, and Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing, the head of the military, attended.


The Bago Bridge, which was built with over 31 billion yen of Japanese ODA funding, was completed with the help of Japan, the commander emphasized.



ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ プログラムオフィサー/笠井哲平さん「MECに支払われていた送金記録です」

There are organizations that point out that the construction funds for this Bago Bridge were paid to companies that are subject to Western sanctions.

the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch had obtained documents that were said to be records of remittances made by the Japanese company that had been awarded the contract to build the bridge from an insider.

Mr. Teppei Kasai, Program Officer, Human Rights Watch: “These are the records of remittances made to MEC.”


ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ プログラムオフィサー/笠井哲平さん「経済的に加担をする、あるいは加担するリスクを取ってしまっている」

The company that was doing the business was the contractor, Yokogawa Bridge, and the money was being sent to the subcontractor, MEC. It seems that the money was being paid to a company that was subject to sanctions as the cost of building a bridge.

Mr. Teppei Kasai, Program Officer, Human Rights Watch: “They are financially complicit, or they are taking the risk of becoming complicit.”


The payments were made 12 times between July 2022 and June 2023, all of them after the coup. The total amount is thought to be close to 650 million yen (as of June 15, 2023).


What kind of company is MEC? The grounds of the related facilities on the outskirts of Yangon were surrounded by high walls with barbed wire, so it was impossible to see inside. On MEC’s website, it is described as a company that is involved in a wide range of businesses, from steel to drinking water, and at first glance it looks like a normal company.


バゴー橋 建設受注 横河ブリッジ/元エンジニア「MECは軍が中心になって運営する組織です。軍の権限を行使することができるのです」


However, a former engineer from Myanmar who used to work at Yokogawa Bridge says that MEC has another face.

Bago Bridge construction order Yokogawa Bridge / Former engineer

 “MEC is an organization run by the military, and they can exercise military authority”

The person who represents MEC was present at the opening ceremony for the Bago Bridge, and is Mr. Nyaw Soe, who is standing directly behind Commander Min Aung Hlaing. He is listed as a member of the highest decision-making body of the military.




A former soldier who was in charge of dealing with military officials in the air force. He says he was present at a meeting between the commander and Nyaw Soe at a base in Yangon, where they discussed the cost of purchasing fighter jets

Former Myanmar Air Force Sergeant Aung Ze Ya:

 “The commander said, ‘Go and raise the money to buy the Sukhoi 30 fighter jets. Each one costs 500 0 million dollars per plane. (Nyaw Soe) was instructed to ‘go and raise as much money as you can, no matter what. You can use any means you like’




The former soldier said that MEC was a source of funding for the military.

Former Myanmar Air Force Sergeant Aung Ze Ya:

 “When the military budget runs short, MEC’s profits are used to make up the shortfall. The company was created to procure funds that the military can use freely.”




It has become clear that part of the ODA funds are being used to finance companies that have unclear financial dealings with the military. Yokogawa Bridge continued to do business with MEC even after the coup. When we asked for an interview, we were told, “We cannot answer questions about individual projects,” and we were not given an interview.

In response to our inquiry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the payment was strictly for the business and replied as follows:

“If payment is not made to MEC, it would be a breach of contract and there is a possibility of a penalty fee being incurred. In this case, there is a risk that funds that can be used freely will flow to the military, and from the perspective of preventing the inflow of funds as much as possible, we believe that this is not appropriate” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs response)



On the other hand, when we asked MEC how much would be paid in the end, they did not respond, saying, “We will refrain from answering as this is company information.”

What are the people involved in Japan’s ODA projects thinking now?



This Myanmar woman worked for the Japanese company that won the contract to build the Bago Bridge.

Ms. Khin (pseudonym), who was involved in the Bago Bridge project:

 “I was proud to be involved in the project. If the bridge had opened without the coup, it would have been something I would have remembered for the rest of my life. I was deeply disappointed that the project was taken over by the military, and I cried with frustration at the opening ceremony.”



A person involved in another ODA project, a Japanese company, expressed some regret.

ODA project staff member:

 “In reality, the main player in Myanmar was still the military. We failed to take that into account. However, we did not fully assess the risk of the unstable political situation in Myanmar. I think now that we underestimated the risks, and that people who could actually see what was happening pretended not to see it, and that they were largely just looking out for their own interests.



Japan has been trying to encourage the military to stop the violence through dialogue.

In Myanmar, the air raids continue unabated.





The people of Myanmar now

The people of Pasaung, whose town was devastated by the air raids, continued to live a life of moving from one evacuation center to another.

Cherry, 17, had fled with her family. While living in evacuation shelters, she continued to hold on to a dream.

 “I’m 17, but I can’t go to school because of the army. I want to get a proper education. I want to study so that I can become a schoolteacher.”



The commander of the army, Min Aung Hlaing, is trying to increase the size of the army by implementing a conscription system this year for men and women aged 18 and over.

Cherry was at a training camp for the pro-democracy forces. She had been living in fear of the military, and had come to think that taking up arms was the only option left to her.


Cherry: “In our generation, we want to completely end military dictatorship. We don’t want people to have to live in fear like we do. We want people to be able to enjoy their childhoods freely.”


Win lost one arm in an air raid on the town of Pasaung. The bones in his amputated right arm have grown and are about to break through his skin. There is no prospect of him being able to receive treatment.


Win’s father: “I want to create a good environment for my son’s education and health. There are many people in Myanmar who are in difficult situations, and I want people to pay attention to this situation.”



Three and a half years have passed since the coup. What can we do to help the people who are calling for help?

We can no longer turn away.

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