Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 Myanmar junta intimidates aid groups in effort to hide hunger crisis ミャンマー軍事政権、飢饉の危機を隠蔽しようと援助団体を威嚇

Myanmar junta intimidates aid groups in effort to hide hunger crisis ミャンマー軍事政権、飢饉の危機を隠蔽しようと援助団体を威嚇

This is a slightly shortened version of a Reuters special report along with Japanese translation.

Filed Dec. 16, 2024, 11 a.m. GMT
COX’S BAZAR, Bangladesh

Myanmar’s ruling junta has suppressed information about a severe food crisis gripping the country by pressuring researchers not to collect data about hunger and aid workers not to publish it, a Reuters investigation has found.


In conversations over the past two years, junta representatives have warned senior aid workers against releasing data and analysis that indicate millions of people in Myanmar are experiencing serious hunger, according to people familiar with the matter.


In a sign of the sensitivity around this data, the world’s leading hunger watchdog – the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) – in recent weeks removed its color-coded assessment of Myanmar from the global map on its website where it displays the levels of hunger afflicting dozens of countries. The reason: fears for the safety of the researchers.


In another move to protect data collectors and analysts from the junta, the IPC never made public three detailed analyses that showed the war-torn Southeast Asian nation, once known as the rice bowl of Asia, was facing one of the worst food crises on the planet.


Refugees queue for water at a market outside Cox’s Bazar in Bangladeshバングラデシュのコックスバザール郊外の市場に集まったロヒンギャ難民 REUTERS/Mohammad Ponir Hossain

An IPC “Special Brief” on Myanmar, dated Nov. 5 and reviewed by Reuters, said about 14.4 million people, or about a quarter of the population, were experiencing acute food insecurity in September and October this year. Acute food insecurity refers to food deprivation that threatens lives or livelihoods. The report projects that by next summer, 15 million people will face acute levels of food insecurity.


Underlying data from that report appeared on a U.N. website last month, but was later removed because of security concerns. A web page now says: “PAGE NOT FOUND.”


Before-and-after screenshots of underlying data for a Myanmar hunger analysis by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) that appeared on a U.N. website. 

The aid workers interviewed by Reuters described a harrowing environment in which most data must be collected clandestinely and aid agencies are afraid to publish their findings on malnutrition and food insecurity – or even share them with one another.


The fear is justified: Last year, Myanmar’s military detained multiple food-security researchers, according to people familiar with the matter. The detentions haven’t been publicized. Reuters was unable to determine what happened to the researchers.


The secrecy surrounding hunger research in Myanmar has hindered relief organizations’ efforts to raise money for humanitarian aid because they can’t use their findings to spotlight the severity of the problem, according to a diplomatic source. The U.N.’s humanitarian response in Myanmar is one of the world’s most severely underfunded. The U.N. has sought nearly $1 billion from donors for Myanmar aid this year but has received just 34% of the goal.


Reuters also uncovered at least four examples of how the junta blocked aid distribution or seized food supplies intended for the hungry. One such spot is the western state of Rakhine, where there has been a surge in violence in the past year following the collapse of a ceasefire between a powerful rebel group called the Arakan Army and the military. In Rakhine, home to the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority, the military in recent months has prevented the delivery of food and medicine to severely malnourished children in an area gripped by cholera, according to aid workers.

ロイターはまた、軍政が支援物資の配布を妨害したり、飢餓に苦しむ人々への食糧供給を差し押さえた例を少なくとも4つ発見した。その一つは西部のラカイン州で、強力な抵抗勢力武装組織アラカン軍と軍との間の停戦合意が崩壊したことを受け、ここ1年で暴力が急増している。 迫害されているイスラム系少数民族のロヒンギャが住むラカイン州では、軍がここ数ヶ月、コレラが猛威を振るう地域で深刻な栄養不良状態にある子供たちへの食糧や医薬品の配給を妨害していると、支援活動家は述べている。

Tom Andrews, the U.N.’s special envoy for human rights in Myanmar, told Reuters that the junta is “systematically restricting” humanitarian aid access, contributing to the spread of cholera and other infectious diseases. He said he has received reports that many of the hundreds of thousands of needy people cut off from international assistance “are on the brink of starvation.”


Tom Andrews ミャンマーの人権に関する国連特使であるトム・アンドリュース氏
REUTERS/Chalinee Thirasupa

Military government denies food crisis

In private discussions with U.N. officials, junta representatives have criticized data published on Myanmar’s hunger crisis and have said they don’t want the country to be considered a failed state or compared to conflict-torn places like Ukraine and Gaza. At one session in the capital, Myanmar’s foreign minister addressed food security with U.N. officials over plates of snacks. There is no food security crisis, the minister said, according to people familiar with the meeting.



Kasmida Begum (right) breastfeeds her child inside a shelter at a refugee camp outside Cox’s Bazar last month. There was so little food to eat before she fled Rakhine state that she wasn’t able to nurse her baby. カシミダ・ベガムは、先月コックスバザール郊外の難民キャンプの避難所で、子供に授乳している。ラカイン州を逃れる前には食べるものがほとんどなく、子供に授乳することができなかった。 REUTERS/Mohammad Ponir Hossain 

Aung San Suu Kyi’s efforts being reversed

Myanmar’s military ruled the country for decades until democratic reforms paved the way for the election of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s government in 2015. Her administration and aid organizations worked to improve nutrition across a vast and impoverished nation. Those gains have been reversed dramatically since 2021, when army chief Min Aung Hlaing overthrew Suu Kyi’s democratically elected government and appointed himself prime minister. Suu Kyi’s son said she is being held in solitary confinement in a prison in the capital, Naypyitaw.




After crushing mass protests triggered by the coup, the junta faced a nationwide uprising. New armed groups joined long-established ethnic armies to seize vast swathes of territory. The junta continues to lose ground rapidly. Its troops have killed thousands of civilians and jailed tens of thousands in prisons where torture is pervasive, according to the U.N.’s human rights office. The U.N. says 3.4 million people have been internally displaced since the 2021 coup – a major driver of the hunger crisis, which has also been exacerbated by flooding and other extreme weather.


The junta has passed a law requiring all non-governmental organizations to register with authorities or risk jail. They are required to seek permission to carry out research, but authorization is rarely granted, especially on food and nutrition-related topics, according to aid workers.


Myanmar’s military leader Min Aung Hlaing (left), who ousted the elected government in a coup in 2021, presides over an army parade on Armed Forces Day that year. 

Food Crisis worsening in Myanmar

Despite the intimidation, some headline data on Myanmar’s food crisis has been published. In recent days, both the World Bank and the U.N. have released reports showing that hunger there is significantly worsening for millions of people.



Like other aid groups, the U.N.’s World Food Program (WFP) delivers reports to local authorities, donors and partner organizations on its operations in the countries where it works. To protect its staff and local partners, the WFP, the U.N.’s main food-aid distributor, hasn’t published its situational reports for Myanmar since June 2023. The WFP also hasn’t released its Annual Country Report for Myanmar since 2022.


Collecting data is challenging. The conflict and mass displacement have made it dangerous and impractical to conduct in-person nutrition surveys, researchers said. Gauging malnutrition of children, for instance, often requires researchers to visit homes and clinics and measure upper-arm circumferences.


The military has also blocked attempts to conduct a nationwide nutrition study, saying it couldn’t ensure the safety of the survey staff, one U.N. official said. The last such study was conducted in 2015 and 2016 – making the data nearly a decade old.


Some aid organizations have found ways to produce limited surveys. Reuters learned of two studies conducted in recent months that found high levels of child stunting and wasting, the most severe and life-threatening form of malnutrition.


One focused on children in Rakhine state. It found that the majority of children surveyed were reported to be sick and many were malnourished. The other survey found stunting was evident in 65% of children surveyed in parts of Myanmar’s southeast, where hundreds of thousands have been displaced by recent fighting.


Junta blocking supplies

The junta has blocked the supply of rice and other food, medicine and essentials into parts of Rakhine and other war zones, multiple aid workers told Reuters. During an outbreak of cholera in recent months, the military also blocked sanitation work in squalid camps in Rakhine where Rohingya are confined. And the junta has severely restricted phone and internet access to vast areas, including most of Rakhine state.


複数の支援活動家がロイターに語ったところによると、軍事政権はラカイン州やその他の戦地の一部への米やその他の食料、医薬品、必需品の供給を遮断している。ここ数か月の間にコレラが流行した際には、軍はロヒンギャ族が閉じ込められているラカイン州の劣悪なキャンプでの衛生作業も妨害した。 また、軍事政権はラカイン州の大半を含む広大な地域で、電話やインターネットへのアクセスを厳しく制限している。

The fighting between the military and rebel forces has damaged the facilities of humanitarian relief organizations, harming their ability to distribute aid


The U.N. human rights office last year publicly accused Myanmar’s military rulers of burning food stores and restricting aid access. The office said aid providers were consistently exposed to risk of arrest and harassment by the junta.



Soaring food prices

Over the past year, as fighting has intensified across the country, skyrocketing food prices have rendered staples unaffordable to many. The junta’s economic policies, including import restrictions, have contributed to inflation, researchers said.



Some of the most dire food insecurity in the country is among displaced people in Rakhine state, according to the IPC’s unreleased November report.


Food prices in Rakhine have risen 154% in the last year as of October, with the cost of vegetables having more than quadrupled, according to a U.N. unit that compiles Myanmar data. The price of rice, a national staple, has also soared. In one Rakhine township it was more than 10 times more expensive in July than at the start of 2021, according to the United Nations Development Program.


Five refugees who recently fled Rakhine described sharp increases in food prices. Some said they were unable to afford even an onion.


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