Heartship Myanmar Japan Education教育 Working with HPO Education to support children in Myanmar 現地HPO教育本部と連携しながらミャンマーの子どもたちを支援

Working with HPO Education to support children in Myanmar 現地HPO教育本部と連携しながらミャンマーの子どもたちを支援

The best way to ensure our funds are being used to support the children is to work closely with HPO, the Hualngoram People’s Organization Education Department.


Managing 48 schools in Hualngoram – HPO Education Office

Heartship Myanmar Japan (HMJ) has decided to continue supporting the Education Office of the Hualngoram People’s Organization (HPO), which tirelessly provides education for children in its community. Currently, 48 schools operate across the 58 villages in Hualngoram, serving approximately 2,000 children aged 3 to 17. For the current academic year, a team of seven full-time staff members is dedicated to managing office operations, conducting school visits, and organizing educational events.

ホゥアルンゴラム地域で 48校の運営する教育部

 HMJでは、地域の子どもたちに教育を提供しようと懸命に取り組んでいるHualngoram People’s Organization (HPO)の教育部を引き続き支援することを決定しました。現在、ホゥアルンゴラムの58の村のうち48の学校が運営されており、3歳から17歳までの約2,000人の子どもたちが通っています。今年度は、7名のフルタイムスタッフが事務作業、学校訪問、教育イベントの運営に専念しています。

School visits to assess educational environment

The HPO Education office staff visits schools to check students’ progress and oversee teachers’ work.  Since the beginning of the academic year in July (the standard in Myanmar) they have visited  16  schools to check how the students are doing and support the teachers.



Templates to gather information efficiently

By asking HPO to fil out this report, we gain information about the lives of the children living in Hualngoram, Chin State, Myanmar.


この ような報告書に記入してもらうことでミ ャンマー、チン州ホゥアルンゴラム地域 の 子 ど も た ち の 生 活 状 況 を 知 る こと が で きています。

The Language Barrier

Communication can be difficult with English being a second language for HPO. Fortunately, Sawmi in Japan bridges this gap by translating between their native language and English. Our reports are also translated into Japanese.



Report from HPO Education:


Click here for financial details.


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