Heartship Myanmar Japan Education教育 Bochung School building now complete ボウツゥン学校 新校舎の完成

Bochung School building now complete ボウツゥン学校 新校舎の完成

Bochung Village is one of the 58 villages in Hualngoram, Chin State. At the beginning of 2024, we received a request to fund the construction of a new school building in this village. Although the project did not go smoothly, the new school building funded by Heartship Myanmar Japan is now complete!

Bochung Village – the farthest village

Bochung village is located in the southeastern area of Hualngoram. It is the farthest village from the HPO Office, about 96.5 km away. It takes 6 hours by motorbike. The village has no internet or cell service, making communication difficult.

ボウツゥン村 – 最も遠く離れた村

ボウツゥン村は、ホゥアルンゴラムの南東部に位置し、 HPO教育部の事務所から最も遠い村です。約96.5キロ離れており、バイクで6時間かかります。村ではインターネットも携帯電話も通じないため、コミュニケーションが困難です。

The Need for More Classrooms

As of December 2024, there are 73 children ranging from age 3 to 17.

However, the old school building did not have enough classrooms to hold 12 grades.

The new school building added three classrooms to their school.



Difficulty in transporting material to the Village

After purchasing building materials in late January 2024, construction of the new school building began in February.

Since Bochung Village is located in the most remote area of Hualngoram, transporting the material alone took a lot of effort and cost.




Construction in progress


Construction Complete!


Message from Bochung Village
Thanks to your efforts, our children can go to school. Please do not give up what you are doing. We hope our children will be able to complete their education.


Going Over Budget and Delay of Construction

In September, we received discouraging news from the village that the school building was still incomplete. The reasons behind the delay were said to be rising commodity prices and difficulty in transporting material. They also needed to hire more people than expected.

As communication with the village is challenging, it was difficult for us in Japan to grasp the actual situation. While we understood their issues were honest, we could not simply send additional funds. Fortunately, the village committee was able to gather the extra funds and the building was completed in November 2024 and is now being used.




Photos taken during school visit by HPO Education in Dec 2024 
2024年12月 HPO教育の学校訪問時に撮影

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