Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今,Reports 活動報告 Terrible road conditions causing difficulty to travel 道路状況の悪化で移動が困難に

Terrible road conditions causing difficulty to travel 道路状況の悪化で移動が困難に

There are no paved roads in the mountainous area of Hualngoram. During the rainy season, which lasts from June to October, the roads can be very difficult to travel.


Road conditions are worse than usual

The Hualngoram area, located in Chin State, Myanmar, near the border of India, was not directly affected by the terrible floods that occurred in Myanmar this September, but HPO (Hualngoram People’s Organization) members say that road conditions are worse than usual.


ミャンマーのチン州、インドとの国境近くに位置するHualngoram地域は、9月にミャンマー中部を襲った洪水による直接的な影響はありませんでしたが、HPO (Hualngoram People’s Organization)のスタッフによると、道路は例年よりもひどい状況とのこと。

Traveling takes much longer than usual

HPO is a group of local leaders and volunteers who have stepped up to govern the area after the military coup in 2021. Their staff travels frequently from their headquarters to the 58 villages in Hualngoram to conduct periodic visits and various teaching activities to help the villagers. This year, it is taking them three hours to travel, where it usually takes one hour.



Rain and traffic are the cause

The reason can be two factors. Rain and traffic. Even for a rainy season, they say there is too much rain. The weather is not normal, probably an effect of climate change. Since Hualngoram is located on the border with India, it becomes a pathway for many. Even though there are currently no junta camps in Hualngoram, many troops still come and go through the area, leading to worsening road conditions.



After the rainy season will come the cold season, where temperatures can drop to below 10 degrees Celcius. This will be another challenge for people trying to survive.


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