Today we are sharing a report by NHK WORLD JAPAN. It is heartbreaking that many children have been deprived of their right to education for over three years. Please join us in aiding education for the children in Myanmar. With more funds, we can support more villages and more children.
NHK WORLD JAPANのレポートをご紹介します。3年以上もの間、多くの子どもたちが教育を受ける権利を奪われているのは悲惨なことです。ミャンマーの子どもたちの教育支援にどうかご協力ください。支援が集まれば、より多くの村の子どもたちの教育を援助することができます。
A report by human rights watchdog Myanmar Witness says more than 130 schools and universities have come under attack in the three years since the military coup. It says teachers and students are increasingly victims of the drawn-out battle between the junta and resistance forces.
人権監視団体Myanmar Witnessの報告書によると、軍事クーデター後の3年間で130以上の学校と大学が攻撃を受けているという。同報告書によると、教師や学生は、軍事政権と抵抗勢力の長期戦の犠牲となりつつあるという。
Classrooms caught up in the conflict
In one attack in September 2022, military forces bombed a school in the northwestern region of Sagaing, killing at least 12 people.
A classroom lies in ruins after a military airstrike in Sagaing.サガインでの軍の空爆後、廃墟と化した教室
“I’d only just told the children to take cover when the bombs started falling,” says a teacher. “I was shielding a girl who was terrified, and I was wounded in the thigh.
A teacher was wounded in the attack. 攻撃で負傷した教師
Before compiling its report, Myanmar Witness analyzed over 1,000 pieces of digital evidence — including videos posted on social media, drone footage and satellite images — to confirm the time and location of each attack.
The international investigative group says most of the cases have been in areas where resistance forces are putting up the stiffest resistance. The highest number has been in the Sagaing region, where 36 schools have come under fire. There have been 11 attacks each in the states of Shan, Kayah and Karen.
Each case represents a potential violation of international law, which gives educational facilities protected status, the group says.
報告書をまとめる前に、Myanmar Witnessは、SNSに投稿された動画、ドローン映像、衛星画像など、1,000以上のデジタル証拠を分析し、それぞれの攻撃の時間と場所を確認。
Myanmar Witness has cataloged attacks by military forces on schools. 軍による学校への攻撃を数値化しているMyanmar Witness
According to the report, half of the attacks involved airstrikes by the military.
A breakdown of the types of attacks on schools: Myanmar Witness 学校への攻撃の種類の内訳
Schools in ruins
Footage provided to NHK by a teacher from Karen State in Myanmar’s southeast shows a village high school in ruins. The teacher says the military commandeered the building after the coup and used it as a base until it was destroyed in fighting between December 2023 and January 2024.
Although the military was forced out by resistance fighters early this year, soldiers left landmines around the area, so the villagers can’t go back.
A high school building in Karen State was destroyed in fighting between military and resistance forces. 軍と抵抗勢力の戦闘で破壊されたカレン州の高校の校舎
Caught in the crossfire
The Myanmar Witness report also focuses on a case in November 2023, when resistance fighters from the Karenni National Defence Force (KNDF) overpowered military forces based at a university in Loikaw, the capital of Kayah State.
2023年11月、カレンニ民族防衛軍(KNDF)の抵抗勢力が、カヤー州の州都ロイカウの大学を拠点とする軍を制圧した事件についても、Myanmar Witnessは報告している。
A soldier holds up a white flag to indicate he surrenders. 降伏を示す白旗を掲げる兵士
At the time, more than 130 connected with the university were trapped inside the campus buildings. Resistance fighters told NHK that the military tried to use them as human shields. There is no one killed among the university staff, according to the KNDF.
A KNDF fighter KNDF戦闘員
“The university was near a prison,” one fighter said. “Our mission was to rescue people in the prison, but we had to pass through the university to reach them. So we had no choice but to attack the university too. When we got teachers to safety, they were very grateful. They’d been forbidden from leaving. Their lives had been at risk.”
University staff rescued by KNDF fighters KNDFの戦闘員によって救出された大学職員たち
Children at risk of learning losses
School teachers have told NHK that children are increasingly being deprived of access to education. “We try to find villages without a military presence, or away from its bases, and teach children there,” the junior high school teacher from Karen State said.
A junior high school teacher 中学校の教師
“We’re now able to give classes every day … but some students feel embarrassed to return to school now, because they’re getting older and their bodies are growing, but they can’t go to school because of the coup.They give up and go to work in Thailand instead.”
「今は毎日授業ができるようになりましたが……生徒の中には、今更学校に戻るのは恥ずかしいと思う者もいます。年齢も上がり、体も大きくなっているのに、クーデターのせいで学校に行けないのです。 諦めて、代わりにタイで働きに出ています。」
One student who hasn’t quit, a 17-year-old girl, says she’s glad to be back in class, but ashamed that she has to start again from junior high school level after missing so many years.
Myanmar’s military has repeatedly denied targeting civilians. Across the country, charred classrooms and destroyed campus buildings prove otherwise.