Heartship Myanmar Japan Myanmar Now ミャンマーは今 Execution conducted by the junta 軍政による死刑執行

Execution conducted by the junta 軍政による死刑執行

This is a Japanese translation of an article in Kyodo News reporting about the death sentence being carried out to 4 individuals.

Four people, including two pro-democracy activists, have been executed in Myanmar, the military government said Monday, drawing swift international condemnation, including from Japan, as the junta continues to rule the Southeast Asian country following a February 2021 coup.

There had been no executions of political prisoners in Myanmar since 1976 and the most recent instance of capital punishment occurred in 1990, according to local media.



The four included two political prisoners — Phyo Zeyar Thaw, 41, a former National League for Democracy lawmaker, and Kyaw Min Yu, 53, a prominent pro-democracy activist widely known as Jimmy. 

Military tribunals had sentenced the two to death in January for involvement in “terror acts” that included murder. The other two were reportedly implicated in the killing of a woman who was an alleged military informant.

4人の中には、政治犯として逮捕・拘束されていた元NLD(国民民主連盟)議員のPhyyo Zeyar Thaw氏(41)と、Jimmyとして広く知られている民主活動家のKyaw Min Yu氏(53)が含まれている。


The United Nations, European countries and the United States as well as Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, who serves as this year’s chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, had called for the junta not to carry out the executions.


The executions “completely go against the ‘release of the detainees,’ which Japan has consistently called for,” Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said in a statement. The move will “lead to deeper conflict due to the hardening of public sentiment and further isolation of Myanmar from the international community,” Hayashi added.


The U.S. Embassy in Myanmar said on Facebook, “We condemn the military regime’s execution of pro-democracy leaders and elected officials for exercising their fundamental freedoms.”

在ミャンマー米国大使館はFacebookで、「民主化リーダーであり選挙で選ばれた議員を処刑した軍政を強く非難する。 」と述べている。

Phyo Zeyar Thaw was a close aide to now-jailed national leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who led the pro-democracy party until the military deposed the NLD-led democratically elected government on Feb. 1, 2021.

処刑されたPhyo Zeyar Thawは、現在獄中にある国家指導者Aung San Suu Kyiの側近で、軍が2021年2月1日にNLD主導の民主的に選ばれた政府を退陣させるまで、民主化政党を率いていた人物である。

Phyo Zeyar Thaw and Kyaw Min Yu were purportedly in touch with the National Unity Government, a group set up by pro-democracy forces as a shadow government. The military has designated the group a “terrorist organization.”

Phyo Zeyar ThawとKyaw Min Yuは、クーデター後に民主化推進勢力が影の政府として設立した「NUG(国民統一政府)」と連絡を取っていたとされる。軍はNUGを “テロ組織 “に指定しているのである。

Duwa Lashi La, the National Unity Government’s vice president who serves, in effect, as its leader, condemned the executions on Twitter, calling on the United Nations and the international community to take action.

NUG国民統合政府の副大統領で現在の実質的なリーダーを務めるDuwa Lashi Laは、Twitterを通じて処刑を非難し、国連や国際社会に行動を起こすよう呼びかけた。

On social media, many Myanmar users have changed their profile pictures to plain black to mourn the deaths of the pro-democracy activists.


According to the online local media Myanmar Now, the families of the four inmates had an online meeting with them at Insein Prison in Yangon on Friday. Kyaw Min Yu, or Jimmy, appeared in good health and told his family, “Don’t worry. Everyone has his own share of Karma,” the report said, citing a prison source. The four were hanged the following morning and their bodies were cremated by the end of the day, according to the report.

オンライン現地メディア「Myanmar Now」によると、4人の受刑者の家族は金曜日にヤンゴンのインセイン刑務所で彼らとオンラインで話をしたと言う。ジミーことKyaw Min Yuは元気な様子で、家族に「心配しなくていい。誰にでもカルマはある」と伝えたと、刑務所関係者の話が引用され報道された。4人は、この翌朝絞首刑にされ、遺体はその日のうちに火葬されたという。

Phyo Zeyar Thaw was a member of a popular hip-hop group before becoming a lower house member. Kyaw Min Yu was a leader of the 1988 pro-democracy movement.

Phyo Zeyar Thawは、衆議院議員になる前は、人気のあるヒップホップ・グループのメンバーであった。Kyaw Min Yuは1988年の民主化運動のリーダーであった。

Since the coup, 117 people have been sentenced to death in Myanmar, including in absentia, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a rights group monitoring the situation in the country. Myanmar courts are now under military control and court hearings have been closed to the public, leading critics to question the impartiality of the judicial process.


Yuyun Wahyuningrum, a human rights activist and an Indonesian representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, an consultative body of the regional group, said Myanmar would have breached the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration by reportedly not allowing the four people to have legal counsel during the trial and executing them. The declaration was adopted by ASEAN member states including Myanmar in 2012.

ASEANの諮問機関であるASEAN人権政府間委員会のインドネシア代表で人権活動家のYuyun Wahyuningrum氏は、ミャンマーは裁判中に4人に法律顧問をつけずに処刑したと伝えられており、ASEAN人権宣言に違反しているだろう、と指摘している。同宣言は2012年にミャンマーを含むASEAN加盟国によって採択されている。

Suu Kyi, the democracy icon who won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, was detained following the coup. She has so far been sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for corruption and other charges. The military said in late June that she has been imprisoned in the capital Naypyitaw.


Long under a military government, Myanmar began transitioning to civilian rule in 2011. The NLD first came to power in 2016 after the 2015 general election. It maintained control in the general election in November 2020.

But just before elected NLD members were to sit in parliament, the military seized power, reversing a decade of progress toward democracy.



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