Myanmar celebrities released from prison ミャンマーの著名人らが釈放

Since the junta carried out a coup d’état on February 1, 2022, many of Myanmar’s celebrities have been arrested and detained for supporting the protest movement and criticizing the army’s seizure of power on social media. 


Myanmar’s MRTV reported that

several top Myanmar celebrities were released from prison

on Wednesday under pardons issued by the military government. The celebrities released from Insein Prison in Yangon include Myanmar’s most famous couple Pay Ti Oo (actor) and Eindra Kyaw Zin (actress),  Lu Min (actor and director) and Paing Takhon (actor and model).   The TV report said the reason for their release was so they could participate in nation-building through their work in the arts.



と報じました。ヤンゴンのインセイン刑務所から釈放された有名人には、ミャンマーで最も有名な夫婦であるPay Ti Oo(俳優)とEindra Kyaw Zin(女優)、Lu Min(俳優・監督)、Paing Takhon(俳優・モデル)などが含まれています。  釈放の理由は、芸術活動を通じて国家に貢献するためだと報じられました。

Paing Takhon (actor and model)
Paying Takhon(俳優・モデル)

Since the coup, many people have been killed and arrested without any fair or proper trial. President U Win Myint, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi are still being detained.


Lu Min (俳優・監督)

Reference: The Irrawaddy – Burmese Edition, MRTV

PhotoCredit@Paing Takhon Facebook page, Look Myanmar Facebook page, Ayarwady Lu Min facebook account

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