Heartship Myanmar Japan Events イベント,Other Seminar about Myanmar セミナー開催

Seminar about Myanmar セミナー開催

We were invited to speak at a seminar hosted by a local senior club and talked about Myanmar’s history leading up to the 2021 coup d’état, and the current situation of the people’s lives. It was a pleasant surprise to see more people show up than expected.

地元のシニア・クラブ主催でミャンマーの現状についてセミナーでお話をさせていただきました。ミャンマーの歴史から2021 年のクーデターまでの流れ、現在の状況など詳しくお伝えすることができました。予想以上に多くの方に出席していただき感謝です。

HMJ founder Sawmi said “I can’t help but feel envious towards the evacuees in Ukraine. Many people have been able to escape by car, and they have help coming from all over the world. In Myanmar, more than 500,000 people have been displaced after their homes were burned down, but in many cases the elderly and children have no choice but to flee on foot. Only about 15,000 of them are lucky to reach refugee camps outside the country, where they can receive assistance. Most of them are in the woods or hiding in barns, desperately trying to stay alive.”


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