Heartship Myanmar Japan Health医療,Reports 活動報告 Rih Hospital – The only hospital in Hualngoram 唯一の病院

Rih Hospital – The only hospital in Hualngoram 唯一の病院

Rih Hospital (located in Rih village, Hualngoram) had been closed for a long time due to the military coup in February 2021. While the military is still in power, the junta has been driven out of the Hualngoram area of Chin State in November 2023. In January 2024, the Hualngoram People’s Organization (HPO), led by local leaders and volunteers, opened Rih Hospital to provide healthcare to the community. 

リィ病院(Hualngoram地域、リィ村)は、2021年2月の軍事クーデター以後、長い間閉鎖されていました。ミャンマーでは今なお軍事政権下にありますが、チン州Hualngoram地域では2023年11月に国軍を追放。地元の指導者やボランティアが率いるHualngoram People’s Organization(HPO)が、地域社会に医療を提供するため2024年1月に病院を開所しました。

In March 2024, Heartship Myanmar Japan donated ¥200,000 as funds to purchase medicine for the hospital. Here are some details about Rih Hospital.


A team of volunteers run the hospital

Rih Hospital is currently the only hospital open in Hualngoram. As of June 2024, two doctors, five nurses, one lab technician, and two general staff members work at this hospital. They are all volunteers who also led the mobile clinics funded by HMJ last year. 



The hospital has 20 beds, all of which are usually occupied by hospitalized patients. Many patients also visit the outpatient department.

The ¥200,000 sent by HMJ  was enough to cover about three weeks’ worth of medicine. Most medicines purchased were for treating gastritis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, and back pain.



Construction of new hospital building progresses slowly

Next to Rih Hospital is a new hospital building which was under construction when the military coup occurred in February 2021. Since then, construction has been on hold due to the war.

Now that the junta has been driven out of this area, HPO (Hualngo People’s Organization) aims to complete this new hospital building and utilize it. Unfortunately, a lack of water supply and funding hinders this effort, making the process very slow. 

HMJ hopes to aid this hospital as much as possible.

新病院建設を目指すも 進まぬ工事


地域から国軍を追放した今、HPO(Hualngoram People’s Organization)はこの新しい病院ビルを完成させ、活用することを目指していますが、残念ながら水の供給と資金が不足しているため作業は進んでいません。


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