Heartship Myanmar Japan Reports 活動報告 Water Project Complete 貯水槽プロジェクトご報告

Water Project Complete 貯水槽プロジェクトご報告

The Dalah Water Project which began in August 2022 to provide better access to drinking water to residents in Dalah is now complete! Click here for financial details.

ダラ地区に住む人々が遠くまで水汲みにいかなくても飲料水を確保できるよう 2022年8月にスタートした貯水槽プロジェクトが無事完成しました!費用についてはこちら。

Under the concrete platform is the abandoned water tank originally built in 2004. The plan was to clean it and build a security house around it so that water usage can be managed properly in the future.


工事前 Before construction

Construction went ahead at a high pace since the rainy season had already begun. First, cleaning the old tank.


Then, a security house was built over it.

Rainwater can be collected from the corrugated roof of the security house and a nearby house owned by the church. The blue pipes collect rainwater into the underground water tank inside the security house.



On Sept 11, 2022, neighbors and children gathered to celebrate the completion and opening of the new water tank. We will continue to share interviews from the people in Dalah.


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